Employers lament lack of qualified job applicants

Ms. Rita Kusi

Even though there is a high unemployment rate among the youth in the country, some employers have blamed the situation on the difficulty in finding the right kind of talent for the job.

In an interview with the B&FT, CEO & Founder of Keeping “U” Simply Intact (KUSI) Consulting, Ms. Rita Kusi, said there is a disconnect between employers and graduates regarding what the former expects and what the latter can do.

“There are postings of jobs day in-day out, but you hear people say there are no jobs. This is false.  Employers are having an issue finding the right talent. Where do you find these people? How can my company find the right talent? On the other side, candidates are having a hard time finding the position they are suited for,” she said.

The unemployment rate in Ghana increased to 5.77 percent in 2016 from 5.54 percent in 2015. Unemployment Rate in Ghana averaged 6.51 percent from 1991 until 2016, reaching an all-time high of 10.36 percent in 2000.

She further stated that there is a need to close the gap between education and industry in order to decrease the constant rise of unemployment the country is facing. “The link between education and industry is non-existent. Educational institutions are not keeping in touch with the needs of businesses these days,” she added.

She indicated that in addition to the struggle of finding the right individuals for the right job openings, companies also face the problem of cultivating a successful company culture.

Companies should be able to clearly define their mission, vision and objective; this provides you with a clear idea of the kind of people you want to bring on board, she explained.

“Regardless of whom your employees are, their practice of the company’s culture begins to wane after a period of time.  There is a need for companies to reinforce their values through periodic training, ensuring that management is in constant communication with their staff, and refresher courses.”  In addition to providing management the opportunity to orient employees to the company’s culture and policies, regularly training employees helps strengthen their work skills – thus avoiding weak links in the company.

KUSI Consulting, one of the few digital-based HR company in Ghana, has strategically put together training programmes this year to assist companies, individuals and entrepreneurs who want to develop themselves.

Training programmes offered include: Career Development training for recent graduates, young working professionals and individuals who seek to advance their careers; Skills Building training, which includes effective communication, team-building, networking and basic administrative skills; and the company also offers leadership and management training, as well as digital and online marketing training for staff development.