Young female entrepreneurs urged to stay focused


Chief Executive Officer of the Young People Initiative, Akosua Ntriwaa Anti, has urged young women entrepreneurs to stay focused and challenge themselves to build a successful business empire which goes beyond the borders of the country.

The young CEO made her submission through a round table meeting under the theme, “Dare to Dare Yourself,” an initiative of the Aspire to Inspire network, which saw young women entrepreneurs gather at the Airport View Hotel in Accra to share ideas and encourage each other in their fields of business.

She told the women who have set up their own businesses in diverse areas to go back to their communities, and make an impact in the lives of the people.

She said the main objective of the Aspire to Inspire initiative is to promote entrepreneurship among young women across the country. She revealed plans to organise similar meetings in the other regions of the country.

She said it is very important for women in this country to grow together and this can only be done when they meet as women and inspire each other and share ideas that will improve the wellbeing of all women.

“We will through this initiative create business contacts and build networks for business growth,” she said.

Resource persons who spoke to the women at the meeting also shared their challenges they went through when they begun the businesses, and urged them not to succumb to the challenges that startups face in the country.

It is believed that one of the major issues startups face is financial challenges like accessing credit facilities from banks.

However, the resource person urged the young women entrepreneurs to remain focused and believe in their ideas, and hold on to the dream to become successful entrepreneurs in their generation.

Louisa Tanti, a model who also wants to start her own advertising and PR firm, said she has been inspired by the success of others who shared their experience at the meeting.

According to her, it has always been her dream to create a business and employ others to improve the livelihoods of less privileged in society.

“Right now, I am doing my Masters Degree in Public Relations, so I want to gain more knowledge in the area that I want to venture in the near future, and I believe this will help me when I start my advertising agency.

To me, a meeting like this is very important because it encourages you to chase your dreams and become who you want to be,” she added.

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