The Police require more logistics


Pockets of crime, hooliganism and what have you across the country in recent times have thrown the whole nation into a feeling of insecurity and the need for the police to step up their efforts in providing security to the populace, a duty they have sworn an oath to, and from which they earn their keep.

In the latest case of armed robbers gunning down a mobile money agent in the Ashanti Region, the police have said they cannot police every mobile money kiosk across the country.

Realistic as the statement from the police is, it is regrettable if one considers how important mobile money has become to our lives as a people. Ideally, the police should be able to protect each one of the agents providing such an economically valuable service to the whole nation. Imagine, for example, that mobile money transaction, as the figures show, have surpassed bank transactions.

The Police Service has often complained about the paucity of its logistics even as armed robbers and other criminals become more sophisticated in their shenanigans.

Recently, a police station was invaded and detainees set free by criminals who took advantage of the lack of fortified surroundings and few personnel, to launch their attack.

Out of such concern, the Presidency announced it had recently taken custody of a fleet of cars for the Presidential pool, and has allocated a 100 Toyota Corolla vehicles out of the fleet to the Police Service to boost their surveillance duties.

That is welcome but some have argued that what is required for the Service is not luxury saloon cars, but vehicles built for purpose such as hard-body Nissan pick-ups, or even rugged SUVs so that in the event of combatting crime, the Service personnel will be adequately equipped.

Whatever gesture to combat crime is most welcome but in this instance, the commentators may have a point considering the ascendency and sophistication of crime these days. T

he Corollas might serve the top-brass of the Service personnel well but we need to beef up the logistics of the Service so as to be well positioned to combat crime.

Some district headquarters of the Service do not even have patrol vehicles, let alone adequate communication gadgets. It therefore was pleasing to hear the President announce at the SONA that government is making plans to procure vehicles, helicopters and drones for the law enforcement agency.

It is heartwarming for the president to announce that government had allocated some GH¢800 million to aid the Police Service to procure policing equipment to fight crime.

Whilst government puts in this effort, we ask the Police Service to instill discipline in its men and women, some of whom are becoming too comfortable and unconcerned about their duties. What would make a police officer tell a man who has come to a station to make a report about his stolen car to go and look for the car himself?