Sustainable agriculture: The B-Bovid model


B-BOVID’s remarkable success in the application of social and scientific innovation to agribusiness is ample evidence that with strategic thinking, commitment and long-term investment, Ghana can reap the benefits of sustainable agriculture sooner rather than later.

Scientific mix

The model, the first of its kind in Ghana, combines agro-forestry, organic farming and mechanization with ecological bio-diversity and ecotourism. Its socially inclusive and sustainable palm oil processing facility, alternative livelihood enhancement center and Information Communication Technology (ICT) platforms guarantee multiple socio-economic returns for the famer, the community and the nation.

The model facilitates an all-year-round production cycle (thanks to its functional irrigation schemes) that optimize the cultivation of healthy, nutritious, organic vegetables for processing, marketing and distribution. B-BOVID’s famous eco-garden (the Garden of Eden) has become a naturalist tourist fascination for various delegations including government officials, diplomats, international journalists and researchers, non-governmental organizations, school children, universities, individuals, among others.

Youth Empowerment Programme

B-BOVID has supported many youths and farmers with tractors, ploughs, harrows and other modern farming equipment as part of its mechanization program.  Its Information Communication Technology (ICT) platform provides useful information to farmers on a variety of issues ranging from crop cultivation and animal feed production to food processing, distribution and marketing. B-BOVID’s demonstration farms offer downright practical training opportunities to farmers and challenges them to explore the benefits of both small and large scale, climate-smart, organic farming to enhance their business prospects.

National and International Recognition

B-BOVID’s achievements have been duly recognized by several corporate bodies including the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI), who presented it with the most Innovative Agribusiness Award for 2016.

The Chief Executive Officer of B-BOVID, Issa Ouedraogo, also won the overall Businessman Award at the First Chamber of Commerce Business Awards held at the Banquet Hall last year. Furthermore, B-BOVID won the 2017 Western Regional Best Farmer Award held in Kumasi for the second time, having won it for the first time in 2013.

In 2012, the United Nations Global Compact Institute conferred a special honor, the Pioneer Social Investment and Inclusive Business Award on Issa Quedraogo for advocating “sustainable and ecological learning practices and seeking to reduce poverty and create wealth by providing training and support for local farmers in Ghana.”

The success of the model has earned Issa Ouedraogo a reputable place in major international business conferences and discussions where he is frequently invited to speak on issues relating to socially inclusive and sustainable agriculture.



Organic Vegetable Project

B-BOVID is in the process of embarking on a large scale organic vegetable farming involving several hectares of land in the Western Region. The project could be one of the most ambitious social investments in climate-smart organic vegetable farming in the sub-region.

B-BOVID is a practical demonstration of a true value chain concept. The company is grateful to financial institutions who have supported its work over the years and looks forward to strengthening its collaboration with government, public institutions, the private sector and individuals to make agriculture and agribusiness more attractive particularly to the youth in Ghana and the sub-region.


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