Sister’s Keepers donate to La General Hospital


The women’s wing of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Doxa Temple, have donated baby items to the maternity ward of the La General hospital to mark the christmas festive season.

Affectionately addressed as “Sister’s Keepers”, the women donated items ranging from baby diapers, buckets, sanitary pads, baby food amongst others.

According to the Administrator of the group, Bertha Wensah: “As we are in the festive season what better way to share the love of Christ in a practical and tangible way. The items we delivered were essential items that the expectant mothers are usually expected to bring to use after delivery.”

She added that: “Sometimes, these parents do not always have the means of providing these things. Sister’s Keeper’s were privileged to make the donation and bring smiles on the faces of the mothers.”

The ladies are hopeful that this event will not be a one-off thing but will continue to touch the lives of many in the years to come.

The doctors, nurses and health attendants at the hospital were grateful for their support. They called on other churches, corporate organisations and the general public to come on board to support the hospital.