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Parliament approves mining lease for Ghana Bauxite Company

By Kizito CUDJOE Parliament has unanimously ratified a mining lease for the Ghana Bauxite Company, allowing it to mine bauxite at Awaso in the Bibiani...

SIAT Group consolidates edible oil business under Presco Plc

The Société d’Investissement pour l’Agriculture Tropicale nv. sa.  (SIAT Group), in line with its business strategy of consolidation and expansion, is restructuring and merging...

Ending the protectionist scourge would benefit all

By Anne O. KRUEGER The World Trade Organization is among the greatest success stories of the post-World War II era. By establishing rules based on...

Africa –China 2.0 with Isaac ANKRAH (Dr): Nuclear energy dynamics

…FOCAC and global competition – (1) Starter "A stitch in time saves nine." This adage underscores the importance of timely action, resonating deeply with Africa's energy...

How Berklee Abu Dhabi is shaping the future of music, dance, and theatre in...

Sweet melodies are running through the cultural hub of Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, courtesy of Berklee Abu Dhabi, a premier institution dedicated to advancing...