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The determinants of banking distress / crises: Evidence from Ghana over the period 2015-...

By Richmond Akwasi ATUAHENE (Dr) Abstract The paper studies the factors associated with the emergence of systemic banking crises in Ghana. The results suggest that crises...

Building trust, driving progress: How the public sector can harness public relations

By Cecil Ato Kwamena DADZIE Imagine a Ghana where citizens trust their government, where policies are understood and supported, and where public services are delivered...

The lithium dilemma: High stakes, uncertain returns

 By Kizito CUDJOE Sixty-eight years after gaining independence from British colonial rule, Ghana continues to navigate its developmental journey, overcoming military uprisings and restoring democracy. Since...

Independence Day message from Prudential Bank

As we celebrate Ghana’s 68th Independence Day anniversary, we at Prudential Bank wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dear nation and its...

National Economic Dialogue: Last shot at prosperity?

 By Ebenezer NJOKU “The economy is at a crossroads.” This is no news! After repeated cycles of unsustainable debt accumulation, fiscal distress, high unemployment, below-capacity...