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Tag: Is  Bawumia serious about solving the economy’s problems?

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Strong electric utilities critical to clean energy for all

Only 40% of utilities in developing countries are financially sustainable, jeopardizing energy transition and access goals. The majority of electric utilities in developing countries are ill-equipped...

Business sustainability: The Environmental Imperative

By Bernard BEMPONG   In doing business and creating long-term value for stakeholders, a company must be concerned about its immediate or remote environment impacts...

European-funded initiative aims at creating African vaccine market

By Kestér Kenn KLOMEGÂH African leaders have teamed up with Europe and Western countries to push for a comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height,...

Standard Chartered’s Executive Vice-Chairman visits young readers

Last week, the Kanda Cluster of Schools was filled with excited voices of young student readers who are part of the Standard Chartered Bank's...

Ga Manste launches Homowo clean- up campaign

The Ga Manste, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has launched the Homowo Clean Up Campaign, urging his sub chiefs and subjects to actively participate...