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GSA, CEO, Prof. Ransford Gyampo and his officials in at meeting the offices of Ocean Network Express (ONE) with CEO Richard Smith his deputy, Mr. Douglas Nanka-Bruce

Shipping & Logistics Industry key to govt’s reset agenda – Prof. Gyampo

Prof. Ransford Gyampo, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Shippers’ Authority (GSA) has underscored the pivotal role of the GSA, the Regulator of the...

Russia mending diplomatic relations with United States

By Kestér Kenn KLOMEGÂH It could be ostentatious steps, but Russia has swiftly capitalised on the new significant developments and geopolitical drama to pursue a...

Operation feed the nation: Leveraging district-based food production and prison labour for an enhanced...

By Albert AMEKUDZI  Agriculture has long been the backbone of Ghana’s economy, employing a significant portion of the population and offering immense potential to address...

Karpowership equips female engineering students with career-ready skills

As part of its International Women’s Day celebration, Karpowership Ghana has reaffirmed its commitment to empowering women in STEM by providing young female engineering...

Magnus RexDanquah: The mastermind behind the biggest events and a visionary nation-builder

By Peter Martey Agbeko In the world of event management, sports administration, and nation-branding, few names command as much respect as Magnus RexDanquah. A strategic thinker,...