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Standard Chartered’s Executive Vice-Chairman visits young readers

Last week, the Kanda Cluster of Schools was filled with excited voices of young student readers who are part of the Standard Chartered Bank's...

The 24-Hour Economy; a transformative vision for economic future

By Shelter LOTSU(Dr) In recent discussions on economic revitalisation, the concept of a 24-hour economy has emerged as a significant policy proposal for Ghana. Critics...

StanChart launches RISE/E programme to empower marginalised youth, women

Standard Chartered has launched an economic empowerment programme to develop employable skills for the youth, with a special focus on marginalised groups and women...

Lagos is ready to partner Jospong Group – Association of Waste Managers

The Lagos State Waste Managers Association of Nigeria (AWAMN) has expressed its readiness to partner  Jospong Group to improve waste management in Lagos. According to...

Executive media mishaps – when words go viral for wrong reasons

By Kafui DEY In today's digital age, a single misplaced statement or awkward interview can spell disaster for a company's reputation. Business executives, often unprepared...