Acacia’s majority owner, Barrick Gold, said on Thursday it had agreed with Tanzania for Acacia to hand over the money and a 16 percent stake in three of its mines and to split the “economic benefits” from those operations]. The agreement appeared to be the first step towards a resolution...
No African city made it to the Top 100 City Destinations ranking released a week ago by research firm Euromonitor International. This is because interconnectivity among African cities is poor, as there are few direct flights between countries by the continent’s airlines. instance, a traveller from East Africa to the...
Sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest economies will benefit from a global upswing this year - as long as the U.S.-China tariff dispute does not disturb improving global trade flows, a Reuters poll found on Wednesday. The poll taken in the past week showed economic growth forecasts for South Africa, the continent’s most...
By Yaw NJORGNAB In 1996, the World Food Summit (WFS) defined food security as a state where all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. This definition highlights four...
United States officials, at least, are strategically moving to reset multi-dimensional relations with Africa after the last African Leaders’ Summit held in Washington. President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris – in well-coordinated working agenda with the White House, the Department of African Affairs, and the U.S. Treasury...
The Organization of African Unity, now African Union (AU), under Kwame Nkrumah’s leadership conceived an African Common Market programme. Nkrumah envisioned it to be an economic community of African countries pulling their production and trade to a common advantage. That, to Nkrumah, was the epitome of true independence. The idea...
The United States continues to claim that it is the true fighter for unity of the ‘free world’. But it is important to understand that such attempts are nothing more than a desire to further entrench the US’s leading role on top of ‘new world order’. Unfortunately, this has...
Nigeria’s currency is expected to come under pressure on the black market this week, with Uganda’s seen firming and Kenya and Zambia’s holding stable. NIGERIA Nigeria’s naira is seen weakening on the black market as dollar shortages at official sources cause investors and importers to channel demand to the parallel...
The MultiChoice Group is proud to announce its latest initiative in the fight against COVID-19. The group has supported several initiatives in the fight against the spread of the pandemic which continues to wreak havoc across the globe, and it is being acutely felt across Africa. Early in the spread of...
Introduction to Correspondent Banking Correspondent banking may sound like a term straight out of a financier’s dictionary, but its implications ripple through the entire economy, touching the lives of both businesses and individuals. Essentially, it’s the process by which banks provide services to each other, including cross-border transactions and large-scale...