WHAT THE NUMBERS TELL US It is estimated that agriculture accounts for 80 percent of global deforestation. Out of thousands of plant species cultivated for food, a mere 200 substantially contribute to the world's food output, according to "THE STATE OF THE WORLD’s BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE" by the...
I wouldn’t call this an opinion piece since it excludes my personal opinions. Also, the story is still unfolding. I am just writing about the events so far and presenting facts to help my audience create their unique perspective. Suppose this Legislative Instrument on cement pricing in Ghana comes...
In this great big world of digitisation seemingly on steroids, and innovations springing up faster than mushrooms overnight after a good soft rain, it is more than easy to be considered out of fashion and outside of the spectrum of useful and technological applications. Yet somehow, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data...
Introduction to Correspondent Banking Correspondent banking may sound like a term straight out of a financier’s dictionary, but its implications ripple through the entire economy, touching the lives of both businesses and individuals. Essentially, it’s the process by which banks provide services to each other, including cross-border transactions and large-scale...
Ghana might be going through a rough patch.  Yet, it is true that we have witnessed significant advancements in many sectors over the past few decades. With a diverse economy encompassing agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and a growing services sector, the nation is poised for continued prosperity. Central to this growth...
Disability is a natural occurrence. It comes from the interplay of several environmental and individual factors with health disorders. The definition of "disability" and who can be considered a "disabled" person has been a sensitive topic. Persons with disabilities (PWDs) is a general phrase that refers to those who, in...
Intellectual Property Rights, a crucial legal framework, serve as a shield for intellectual property and intangible creations of the human mind. These include inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols used in commerce. Intellectual property rights play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and economic growth by significantly...
The success of any country is dependent on the collective behaviour of the nation. Generally, the people's work commitment, attitude, and hard work help determine their financial profile. However, it’s difficult to determine what should be the direction of efforts. Here we present a secret recipe for leading Africa to...
The interconnectedness of economic elements can often create a domino effect, where a ripple in one sector can trigger a tidal wave in another. This is notably observed in the relationship between inflation and poverty. Recent events in Ghana provide a stark illustration of this phenomenon. The country, celebrated...
The break-even point (BEP) and break-even analysis are related financial concepts used to assess a business's financial health. The break-even point is the specific level of sales at which total revenues equal total costs, meaning there is no profit or loss. It is calculated by dividing fixed costs by...