The interconnectedness of economic elements can often create a domino effect, where a ripple in one sector can trigger a tidal wave in another. This is notably observed in the relationship between inflation and poverty. Recent events in Ghana provide a stark illustration of this phenomenon. The country, celebrated...
The Chief Justice Getrude Torkornoo has strongly advocated for Ghana to establish a comprehensive legal, regulatory, and institutional framework that promotes the responsible utilization of the Blue Economy. Emphasizing the significance of adapting to global economic changes, she highlighted the importance of implementing measures to harness the potential of...
Introducing "How Did I Get Here," a distinctive television experience that draws viewers into the riveting personal journeys of its guests, examining the myriad life events that have moulded their identities and guided them to their present-day selves. The show endeavours to inspire, entertain, and foster a connection with...
I. BRIEF OVERVIEW OF MICRO-CREDENTIALS In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, the demand for a skilled workforce has surged, paving the way for inventive educational solutions. One such innovation gaining traction is the world of micro-credentials: focused, bite-sized learning experiences that empower individuals with the relevant skills they need...
The Internet has undeniably changed how we live, work, and communicate. Since its inception, it has played a pivotal role in transforming lives and societies across the globe. From revolutionising access to information to connecting people worldwide, the Internet has broken down barriers and created once unimaginable opportunities. Its...
From the earliest days of human civilization, our understanding of value has shaped how we interact with the world. The concept of assets — items or resources that hold intrinsic or perceived worth — has undergone countless transformations as societies and economies evolved. Today, we live in a world...
Local agroeconomic clusters play a crucial role in the growth and sustainability of regional economies. Moreover, by focusing on local buyers, these clusters can create a ripple effect of benefits that extends beyond the businesses themselves, touching the lives of countless individuals within the community. I want to explore ten...
Entrepreneurship is often associated with individualism, risk-taking, and innovation in today's fast-paced world. While these traits are undoubtedly essential for any successful venture, the critical role of the community in fostering entrepreneurial success must be considered. In reflecting on the recent MIG Business Forum and the exciting initiatives discussed,...
Liquidity on the Ghana Fixed Income Market (GFIM) remains thin on the back of lingering uncertainties over the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP). Government has ended the domestic debt exchange programme but there remains uncertainty over whether the 80 percent participation target will be met due to resistance from individual...
In order to strengthen the country’s capacity to transition to a circular economy, the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) has secured US$7m funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) toward the establishment of a circular economy framework for the plastic sector. According to the ministry, after visiting...