Commercial banks in the country must adopt strategies based on suitable methodologies for tourism product development in order to grow the sector, create jobs and improve livelihoods, Chief Executive Officer of UMB John Awuah has said. The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), a UN agency, describes tourism as the largest industry...
Government plans to issue up to $2bn in H1 Ghana also considering green bond sale Ghana plans to issue a sixth Eurobond of up to US$2billion by June and has received keen interest from Asian investors, finance minister Ken Ofoti-Atta said on Tuesday. Ghanaian officials last week met investors in...
The Commercial Division of the Accra High Court will today rule on an application filed by Quantum Oil Terminals that seeks to prevent the International Finance Corporation and the OPEC Fund from commencing other proceedings on the matter already before the court in another jurisdiction. The court had earlier ruled...
Local participation in the upstream oil and gas sector will receive a major boost as the regulator, Petroleum Commission, moves to bridge the information gap in the award of procurement contracts through the first ever Local Content Procurement Conference. The aim of the conference is to provide a common platform...
It is a week to the implementation of government’s controversial tax stamp policy but beverage manufacturers, importers and exporters still maintain paper stamps are not the way to go. At a press conference organised by the Food and Beverage Association of Ghana (FABAG), with support from Ghana Union of Traders...
The National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI), under the second phase of the Ghana Institutional Support Programme (GISP), has organised a ten-day workshop on business planning for new product development for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Koforidua. This is in line with the current government’s industrial transformation...
The Petroleum Commission has given the International Oil and Gas Companies (IOCs) and other service companies, till April 1, to submit every oil contract to the Commission for proper review before they are sealed. Mr Egbert Faibille Jnr, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Petroleum Commission (PC), said all IOCs...
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has begun the process of drawing up guidelines that will encourage voluntary tax compliance, the Technical Advisor to the Commissioner-General of the GRA, Henry Yentumi, has said. “The administrative guidelines to go along with the tax policy are just in the final stages of preparation....
The British Council Accra, will tonight host the final of the Duapa Challenge dubbed: 'The Campus Duel'. The Duapa Challenge, as part of the British Council's contributions to the social enterprise ecosystem, is a social innovation competition which seeks to promote economic growth, private sector development and youth employment through...
 Martin Amidu has been approved by Parliament as the country’s first Special Prosecutor to tackle corruption cases in the country. Presenting the Committee’s report on the floor of Parliament, chairman of the Appointment Committee, Joe Osei-Owusu indicated that Mr Amidu was in a good position for the job.  “Mr. Amidu’s high...