Gov’t assures of no more lockdowns as economic impact could be catastrophic Government, through the Ministry of Health, has given the strongest indication yet to underscore the global message that the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is here to stay and humans must learn new ways to live with it until...
…moves to help facilitate the submitting of annual returns The Registrar-General’s Department (RGD) has approved the holding of Annual General Meetings (AGMs) virtually to aid companies wrap up the books and submit their annual returns to the department on schedule, This move joins Ghana to a growing list of countries that...
The Ghana Standard Authority (GSA) is confident that local innovations can help slow down spread of novel coronavirus in the country. This follows certification of the first-ever locally made automatic disinfection device. The device, manufactured by ATCL Construction and Engineering - a Tema-based firm, uses alcohol-based disinfectants recommended by the...
The price of fuel at the pumps is expected to stabilize for the next pricing-window of the month of May 2020, attributable to some marginal changes recorded on the crude oil and foreign exchange markets, forecast from the Institute for Energy Security (IES) has shown. According to the energy industry...
Energy is widely regarded as a major determinant of economic prosperity of any State. It is accepted as a crucial ingredient that propels any economic activity, and indeed the pillar of wealth creation. Especially in the developing world, the provision of a greater access to energy has been suggested...
Africa appears to have narrowly escaped the level of devastation that COVID19 is wrecking in the global north with China as its entry. As if the virus followed the global supply chain to destroy it. The global supply chain links China to the global north before connecting to Africa...
Among the many inequalities revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most striking is the dramatic divergence in governments’ fiscal responses. Economic activity has collapsed worldwide as a result of lockdown measures to contain the coronavirus. But while some developed countries have been able to deploy fiscal stimulus...
The management of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in tough public policy measures around the globe, including lockdowns aimed at reducing human interaction to a minimum. These measures, which have put a stop to big chunks of economic activity, have come with devastating consequences, forcing business to lay off...
The developing world is on the cusp of its worst debt crisis since 1982. Back then, three years had to pass before creditors mounted the concerted response known as the Baker Plan, named after then-US Treasury Secretary James Baker. This time, fortunately, G20 governments have responded more quickly, calling...
GAWU as a Union of change has always advocated for the rights of workers, especially those within the agricultural value chain since its establishment as a trade union in the year 1959. Some of these include advocating for the involvement of rural farmer’s participation in the world trade, advocating on...