… Financial market reflection Financial markets are very fundamental to the economic development of every nation. Through the financial intermediation process, scarce financial resources are efficiently allocated to productive sectors of the economy. Surplus funds are channelled from surplus-spending units to deficit-spending units. For the financial market to be efficient in...
Two more persons who tested positive have been confirmed dead, raising the death toll of Ghana’s COVID-19 cases to 31. Number of positive cases have also risen to 5,918 out of which 1,754 have recovered. This is according to an update from the Ghana Health Service on May 19, 2020. The Greater...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought along in its wake disruptions never experienced in world history. However, it has presented a few opportunities and one such opportunity is that it has remarkably pushed the country’s cash-lite agenda. Summary of Economic and Financial data (May 2020 edition) shows that mobile money platform...
While the world is feverishly looking for a vaccine that can cure the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging the global community, the Republic of Madagascar has come out with a herbal remedy it believes is the answer to the world’s quest for a cure. Madagascar’s Minister of Communication, Lalatiana Andriamanarivo...
The predicament of hospitality facilities, emanating from the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic lingers on as there is no sight to the end of the COVID-19 crisis. COVID-19 precautionary and control measures like border closures, ban of public gatherings including conferencing and other social event weddings have culminated to paralyze...
Local producers of oil palm have hailed government’s decision to exempt oil palm from the 50 percent reduction in the benchmark value of imports. The move will give local manufactures some competitive advantage over foreign production and help to sustain jobs in the oil palm value chain. A statement from...
Difficult access to affordable finance and elusiveness of modern industrial equipment and technology have been cited as major challenges undermining the development of the cashew processing sub-sector, especially among small-scale factories in the country. These underlining industrial challenges have culminated with factors such as high labour cost and unfavorable electricity...
As part of its ongoing efforts to tackle child labour in the cocoa sector, Cargill has announced progress on measures and partnerships taken to reduce child labour incidences in cocoa farming communities of the world. The company has been partnering cocoa-farming communities to identify, remediate and prevent child labour through...
… move can avert future costly financial sector cleanup scenario Auditing Firm, KPMG, is making a case for the establishment of a whistleblowing department to be made mandatory before regulators give out new or renew the licenses of companies. According to KPMG, the move is critical to ensure the sustainability of...
Even though the coronavirus pandemic has wrecked many sectors of the economy and plunged businesses into disarray, there is a positive side of the virus as it is pushing the cash-lite agenda of the country, according to data from the Bank of Ghana. The Summary of Economic and Financial data...