…how is cost-effectiveness achieved? It is been recognized that the major problems concerning targeting for social intervention programs include the often ignored factor of under-coverage, the problem of leakage to the rich, and the high risk that targeted programs could end up being regressive. However, if the programs that have...
Insurance group, Hollard Ghana, as part of efforts to join the fight against COVID-19 across the country, has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Western Region Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) in addition to an awareness campaign on regional radio and TV. GPRTU PPE donation The presentation was made...
For a product to function to its optimal level, it is important to understand the correct maintenance that the product requires. Maintaining a water tank is not difficult as long as you follow the manufacturer’s recommended guidelines. Water Tank Installation Correct preparation is essential to ensure a long and trouble-free life...
“Some people won't be happy until they've pushed you to the ground. What you have to do is have the courage to stand your ground and not give them the time of day. Hold on to your power and never give it away”. - Donna Shoenrock. All over the world,...
Prudential Bank has donated Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) to the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) in Accra  as part of efforts to help the fight against the COVID-19(Corona virus) pandemic in the country. The PPEs worth thirty thousand GHC30, 000  included 10,000 pieces of gloves, 2,000 surgical masks and 20 gallons...
I’m worried, I’m deeply worried not because I don’t see the “COVID-19” as “this too shall pass”. Am worried because of the little tiny decisions that are going to be taken by influential individuals at top most positions in various corporations/entities/companies/organizations/firms/enterprises etc. According to the most recent United Nations estimates...
… Financial market reflection Financial markets are very fundamental to the economic development of every nation. Through the financial intermediation process, scarce financial resources are efficiently allocated to productive sectors of the economy. Surplus funds are channelled from surplus-spending units to deficit-spending units. For the financial market to be efficient in...
Two more persons who tested positive have been confirmed dead, raising the death toll of Ghana’s COVID-19 cases to 31. Number of positive cases have also risen to 5,918 out of which 1,754 have recovered. This is according to an update from the Ghana Health Service on May 19, 2020. The Greater...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought along in its wake disruptions never experienced in world history. However, it has presented a few opportunities and one such opportunity is that it has remarkably pushed the country’s cash-lite agenda. Summary of Economic and Financial data (May 2020 edition) shows that mobile money platform...
While the world is feverishly looking for a vaccine that can cure the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging the global community, the Republic of Madagascar has come out with a herbal remedy it believes is the answer to the world’s quest for a cure. Madagascar’s Minister of Communication, Lalatiana Andriamanarivo...