positioning your business for post COVID-19 “Every business that serves the needs of its customers deserve growth and profitability - and as much as profitability is a necessity, they must strategically position themselves for it. They must tailor their services to fit the target market; they must be recognisable...
Status is online As humans, we share so many things in common despite our individuality and uniqueness. So profound amongst them is our strong desire to make impact, to matter and to change the world, despite the fact that our definition of the world is not common. Is your world...
Zen Petroleum Limited has presented items worth GH¢50,000 to the Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital at Sekondi to support health workers in their fight against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The items are 100 boxes of nose masks, 400 boxes of examination gloves, 30 (5-litre) gallons of sanitisers, 200 (ml) of sanitiser, six...
Farmers in the Bole district of the Savannah Region are to benefit from 200,000 cashew seedlings and a nursery to complement their normal production and boost plantations in the region. The seedlings, when mature, will be distributed to farmers free of charge as part of government’s flagship policy Planting for...
Last year was the third-worst this century for tropical tree-loss, according to new data released Tuesday by Global Forest Watch - an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. There is, however, a sliver of good news: the world’s most important cocoa-producing countries, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, showed signs...
Gold Fields Ghana Limited is supporting government’s efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the areas where it operates. So far, the company has committed US$833,000 on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to support both the Health Directorate at Tarkwa Nsuaem and Prestea Huni-Valley Municipalities in the fight...
Regent University College of Science and Technology has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain. UCAM is a private university with 20 years of history and more than 16,000 students, offering 33 prominent European official Bachelor’s, 45 Master’s and 66 doctorate lines of research amongst...
For far too long, Africa’s technology talents have shied away from taking the world by storm, instead looking to global investors to finance localized problems to varying degrees of success. They cannot be blamed much for the challenges they face in solving these problems. Many of these tech brains...
The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG), a farmer-based organisation, in collaboration with the Health Directorate has begun building the capacity of selected Agriculture Extension Officers across the country to understand the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) COVID-19 Safety Protocols, and adopt the knowledge acquired for the purpose of educating...
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught Ghanaians many things, and among them is to plan for crisis situations. A survey conducted by the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) has revealed that companies which have Business Continuity Plans in place do so mainly to satisfy regulatory directives, rather than...