George Mensah Okley, an energy expert, who, until a year ago, was the Managing Director of the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) company, has been confirmed dead earlier today. Very reliable sources in executive management position at the company and its Senior Staff Association, confirmed to the B&FT that...
According to NFX, leading a startup is 10 times tougher than leading a standard company. This is because of the uncertainties that come along with building a startup and the need to often change direction. NFX says that “Leadership is harder to master than management. It takes soft skills and...
Africa already in recession before pandemic Bad debts could hit 10% as coronavirus knocks economy - BASA That would mark highest ever level, over the 6% seen in 2009 Banks expected to have sufficient capital to handle hit South Africa’s bad debts could hit 10% of bank lending this...
Sunu Assurances Ghana Limited, a member of a pan-African Financial Services Group, held its retail sales officer’s performance awards on the forecourt of the Sunu Palace (Head office) in Accra last week. This year’s ceremony was the 11th in the series of awards and was slightly different. For the first...
Organiser of the Ghana Virtual Career Fair 2020, the Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (GGC), has announced that Kokui Selormey Hanson will moderate the first ever career fair to be held in Ghana. Head of the GGC, Benjamin Woesten remarked: “We are excited about this, and trust that...
According to the World Bank, Ghana is the fastest-growing mobile-money market in Africa with close to 12 million customers at the end of 2019. Currently, the mobile money subsidiary of MTN is the dominant player with about 90% of mobile money transactions, followed by the subsidiaries of AirtelTigo and...
Kwesi Amoako-Atta, the Minister of Roads and Highways, has embarked on a six-day inspection tour on two ongoing road projects within the Northern and Savannah Regions. The two road projects comprise upgrading the Salaga-Bimbilla stretch road of about 71 kilometres, and the Salaga-Ekumdipe-Kpandai (61.2km) Lot 3 road. The total cost of...
Physical interactions are less desired as cases of the COVID-19 pandemic surge in many countries. This has the potential to limit farmers' access to inputs and extension support services, which play a major role in enhancing farm-level productivity and improve farmers’ incomes and livelihoods.  Under the Next Generation Cocoa...
Welcome to another week of financial learning. I hope and believe we are all well and staying safe under these abnormal COVID-19 conditions! Today’s epistle will focus on ‘unreasonable’ investment returns which many so desperately chase and get disappointed in the long run. For the benefit of new followers, I will...
In July 2016, John-Paul Iwuoha released a great article - ‘5 Reasons Most African Businesses Do Not Survive Beyond a Generation’. The business transformation specialist clearly articulated the devils that have long denied capable great potentials in Africa from becoming like the IBMs, the Coca-Colas, the Fords, the Nestles,...