The newly-installed President of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Dr. Yaw Adu-Gyamfi, has come out strongly to pronounce that this is the time to protect local industries. Dr. Adu Gyamfi emphasised the fact that it is the private sector which creates job opportunities, and if the high unemployment rate...
The Omanhene of Asokore Asante in the Ashanti Region, Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante, has charged government to begin consulting and involving chiefs in the issuance of licences to Artisanal and Small-Scale miners in particular. According to the astute legal luminary, chiefs are the best way to provide legitimate advice and...
Meridian Port Services (MPS) has taken delivery of the first unit out of two Mobile Harbour Cranes (MHC). The Crane arrived on 8th December 2017 and it is currently being commissioned by the manufacturers’ engineers expected to be put into operations after completing the training in the coming two weeks....
To heighten awareness about biotechnology among key stakeholders, the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) - under the auspices of the Ghana Chapter of the Open Forum on Agriculture Biotechnology (OFAB), and the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF) in Kenya - have organised a sensitisation workshop in Accra for a cross-section...
The Yamoussoukro Decision, which entered into force in 2000, evolved from the Yamoussoukro Declaration of 1988. However, over the years, the full potential of the decision has not been realised to unlock commercial opportunities for African Airlines. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) bemoans the slow progress towards implementation of...
Minister of Trade and Industry, Alan Kyeremanten, has stated, and we agree, that the only way the country can benefit fully from trade agreements with other countries is when we increase the production of goods for export. Speaking at the 28th Anniversary of the African Industrialisation Day in Accra, Mr....
Each day, nearly 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrhoeal diseases. This one of the rationales for the United Nations adopting ‘water and sanitation for all’ as SDG goal six. Last week Friday, at the official launch of the National Sanitation Campaign (NSC), it was revealed that poor sanitation...
Mobile money transactions have come in as a handy means of deepening financial inclusion in our economy, as the Payment Systems Oversight report by the Bank of Ghana shows. Mobile money transactions as at December 2016, reached GH¢78.5billion, which represents a 121percentage increase in growth compared to the GH¢35.4billion recorded...