The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) has yielded to governments quest to reduce electricity tariffs against calls by the utility companies and civil society to increase tariffs. According to a statement, issued by the PURC and published on their website, the current review is as result of reductions in key...
The Public Procurement Authority (PPA) has said the concession granted IBISTEK Ghana Limited to develop and operate an on-dock container and multi-purpose terminal project at Port Takoradi followed due process. The authority said this in a document sighted by the B&FT after our publication in the Friday, March 2, 2018,...
Parliament has given legal backing to the Legal Profession (Professional and Post – Call Law Course) Regulations, 2018 (L.I. 2355) that makes it a prerequisite for prospective students to sit an entrance exams before gaining admission to the Ghana School of Law. The approval of the (L.1. 2355) had gone...
A new study has revealed that, preventing violent conflict can save lives and money, up to US$70 billion per year on average, The study which is published today by the World Bank and the United Nations themed, “Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict” is the report on...
Vice-President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has said government is working on a roadmap that when adopted will ensure a ‘significant’ portion of gold and cocoa beans produced locally are also processed locally. Dr. Bawumia, speaking at a conference on Fiscal Management of Mining and Petroleum in West Africa organised by the...
The Minister for Aviation, Cecilia Abena Dapaah has indicated that two new domestic airlines will be coming on stream sometime in the second quarter of the year. Presently, Africa World Airlines (AWA) remain the only domestic air carrier and the Minister reckons with two new airlines coming on board,...
The Ghana Mineworkers Union (GMWU) has rejected moves by mining giant AngloGold Ashanti to move from owner mining to contract mining, a trend the union is already battling Goldfields Limited over in the law courts. The union, in a press statement, called on Parliament to not ratify the Development Agreement...
An Accra High Court, Financial and Economic Division has convicted a former National Coordinator of the defunct Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) Mr. Abuga Pele and Mr. Philip Akpeena Assibit, a representative of the Goodwill International Group (GIG) to 6 and 12 years imprisonment respectively, after...
Moves into Contract Mining with 21years life of the mine Between 2000 – 2500 to be employed Tax Concession Agreement and Development Agreement Awaiting Parliamentary Approval Mine production for 10years – averaged 350,000oz – 450,000oz at an average head grade of 8.1g/t. The initial cost of the project...
Out of 275 Members of Parliament(MP), only 100 of them have so far visited the Parliamentary Clinic for frequent medical screening or review, Dr.Mark Assibey-Yeboah,[ MP for New Juaben South has disclosed. According to Dr. Assibey-Yeboah, Parliament made it available to MPs to go for full health screening but most...