“The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people.” – Akan proverb “Integrity is wholeness, the greatest beauty is organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe. Love that, not man,” Robinson Jeffers, the American poet considered an icon of the...
If the 2008 global financial crisis laid bare the worst of capitalism, the private sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is already showcasing the very best. COVID-19 cases have now surpassed one million worldwide, with the death toll above 70,000 and rising. The full extent of the global economic impact...
In December 2019, the world got to know that a novel human coronavirus had begun to spread undetected among the population of Wuhan, a large city in the Hubei province of China. Since then, this novel coronavirus has spread to several countries beyond Asia. The World Health Organisation (WHO),...
With each passing day, the 2008 global financial crisis increasingly looks like a mere dry run for today’s economic catastrophe. The short-term collapse in global output now underway already seems likely to rival or exceed that of any recession in the last 150 years. Even with all-out efforts by central...
Death comes fast, says Temie Giwa-Tubosun, as we sit in the scorching sunshine of Rwanda's capital Kigali. She's talking about post-partum haemorrhage - women bleeding after childbirth. "I'm always amazed that more attention isn't paid to this - it's the biggest cause of death in childbirth". Temie's company, Lifebank, delivers life-saving blood...
The spread of the coronavirus has forced millions all over the world to retreat to base and abandon outdoor exercise and gym sessions. If they own a big house and garden, it’s manageable, but many live in shacks, cramped houses or tiny high-rise flats. How can they avoid going...
The effect of global leadership has been questioned by experts and ordinary citizens amid the COVID-19 crisis. Whether leaders have met expectations of managing the pandemic effectively would be something to look into at the end of the crisis. Crisis management has never been a challenge for many entrepreneurs in...
Kandifo Institute, a public policy and analytical research think tank, has launched a non-partisan election watch website to provide a one-stop-centre for election data analyses ahead of election 2020. The project dubbed ‘Ghana Election Watch’, seeks to serve as a platform that will provide historical electoral data, all election news,...
The COVID-19 crisis is driving customers to engage with brands in new ways. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to be able to visualize how their customers interact with their brand across a myriad of touchpoints. Businesses must help clients identify and track these interactions across all channels,...
Inflation for April 2018 dropped its lowest in more than five years, to 9.6 percent from 10.4 percent in March, the Ghana Statistical Service has announced. According to the Acting Government Statistician, Baah Wadieh, the significant drop can be largely attributed to happenings in the non-food basket. “We realised that inflation...