The government is hopeful of earning some US$669.4 million from the petroleum sector in 2018, the 2018 Budget and Policy Statement to Parliament, has said. Presenting the 2018 Budget and Policy Statement to Parliament, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, said “the total petroleum revenue for 2018 is estimated...
Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta seems be the beating heart of the 'new Ghanaian economy'. He went to parliament and presented a ‘boastful budget’, saying the economy is working. Ofori Atta said on the floor of parliament: “We have turned the economy around and our policies are yielding results and...
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Teshie-Nungua branch has rolled out a sensitisation programme to reach out to the tax-paying public as part of efforts to mobilise revenue in support of national development, The programme, which is a follow-up to the recently-launched national tax campaign is to among others things create...
Lowering electricity tariffs is welcoming news for consumers, but not investors whose capital is very much needed to curb operational inefficiencies and clear unpaid subsidies, South Africa based RMB Research, which analyses global markets, has said. In its review of Ghana’s 2018 budget, RMB noted that despite the good works...
As many as 191 companies have been identified under the One Disctrict, One Factory initiative to undertake projects in 102 districts, with the potential of creating 250,000 jobs when implemented. “The Ministry of Trade and Industry completed technical, financial and commercial viability analysis of 462 proposals, out of which 191,...
Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, has told Parliament that government is expecting to achieve a fiscal deficit of 4.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which when achieved, will be the lowest deficit in the past 7 years. Mr. Ofori-Atta told Parliamentarians on Wednesday that government is on course to achieve...
Government is to set up a new national development bank to “mobilise private capital toward agricultural and industrial transformation”, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta revealed in the 2018 Budget and Economic Policy of Government presented to Parliament yesterday.  “To achieve an efficient financial sector with innovative and long-term financing instruments to...
Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has unveiled government’s budget statement and economic policy for 2018, which outlines ambitious plans to create jobs, stimulate growth of the agricultural sector and industry, as well as consolidate gains made in the macroeconomy. Job-creation has been high on the Akufo-Addo led administration’s agenda, which has...
The Finance Minister, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta, has said 2,000 livestock farmers will be supported with 70,000 small ruminants, sheep and goats, as part of efforts to improve the livelihoods of livestock farmers in the country. In addition to this, he said the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) will...
There is disquiet by some persons about Ghana’s debts, deficits and by extension fiscal policy. Some have even gone a step further to suggest that Ghana will soon become Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) again. This article will attempt to explain the dynamics of Ghana’s fiscal policy, debt, deficits...