Electricity tariffs could drop much lower than government is planning to reduce them if the multitude of taxes on petroleum products, which feed into the tariffs, are clipped one way or another, Professor Felix Asante, Director of the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, has said. “I was personally...
As part of its effort to reduce gas related accidents in the country, The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has engaged consumers of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Brong Ahafo Region. The exercise is aimed at sensitizing chopbar operators, restaurants, hotels and door-to-door business operators on safe dispensing and use...
The Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCO) and the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) have signed an agreement for the establishment of a GRIDCO Centre of Excellence at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The training centre would be equipped with the state of the art facilities that would...
The government is hopeful of earning some US$669.4 million from the petroleum sector in 2018, the 2018 Budget and Policy Statement to Parliament, has said. Presenting the 2018 Budget and Policy Statement to Parliament, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, said “the total petroleum revenue for 2018 is estimated...
The West African Gas Pipeline Reverse Gas Flow Project is expected to be ready by second quarter of next year, to ensure free flow of gas from Aboadze to Tema for power generation, Energy Minister, Boakye Agyarko has said. Currently, gas from oilfields in the western coast only terminates at...
The FPSO Kwame Nkrumah will be shut down in early 2018 to allow for continuation of repair works, Minister of Energy, Boakye Agyarko, has said. “The repair works on the turret of the FPSO Kwame Nkrumah, also referred to as the Turret Remediation Project (TRP), is being done in two...
Chief Executive Officer of the National Petroleum Authority, Hassan Tampuli, has reiterated the authority’s commitment to promoting a clean environment, as ongoing policy to promote low-sulphur diesel standards are enforced. He said this when he received this year’s ‘Outstanding Policy’ award from the Climate and Clean Air Alliance at the on-going Climate...
…. yet to submit reports of oil-funded projects to Parliament The Finance Ministry has been accused of flouting aspects of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act(PRMA) by failing to disclose to Parliament oil funded projects in the country. According to a member of the Public Interest and Accountability Committee, Dr Steve Manteaw,...
The Chief Executive of the Petroleum Commission, Mr Egbert Faibille Jnr, has warned companies engaged in transfer pricing to stop the practice immediately or face the wrath of the Commission, as such practice impacts the economy negatively. He confirmed that the Commission is fully aware that most foreign companies in...
Ghana, one of Africa’s democratic standard bearers, is a relative newcomer to the oil sector. Having surpassed oil development’s teething problems, it has remained highly committed not to scaring foreign investors away and keep existing covenants intact. While the nation’s energy outlook is improving, significant challenges remain. This year saw...