Stakeholders and players in the micro-credit sector have committed to supporting growth of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in their bid to lead the country’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery efforts. With over 90 percent of businesses in the country being MSMEs, contributing collectively to about 70 percent of the...
The Securities and Exchange Commission is far advanced with its plans to introduce crowd funding in Ghana. The capital markets regulatory institution expects to have established a framework for its commencement imminently and hopes to have it up and running, backed by the requisite legislation as early as next...
The second edition of Customer Experience Scale-Up Seminar is set to take place in February this year, with the aim of equipping its participants with essential customer experience insights and skills. The programme seeks to assist its participants bridge the customer expectation gap for market excellence. This has become necessary...
The National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) has said that over 20,000 applicants who were supposed to benefit from the stimulus package under the Coronavirus Alleviation Programme (CAP) business support scheme were unable to receive their funds, due to their Mobile Money (MoMo) accounts facing some technical disparities. According...
The Ghana Shippers' Authority (GSA) has met with the leadership of the Ghana Association of Women Entrepreneurs (GAWE) to discuss measures needed to help the association to boost the export operations of its members. The meeting, which was held on Tuesday, 8th November, 2022, is part of measures to strengthen...
The Ghana-Mexico Business and Cultural Chamber (GHAMEXCO) has officially been launched in Accra, to identify and explore business opportunities in Ghana and Mexico that will bring both countries together culturally and business-wise. The key objectives are to identify and shepherd opportunities for the benefit of members, promote the business trade...
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Ghana has successfully kicked off a new initiative dubbed Ghana Days to attract French and Francophone companies extend their business activities to the country. Ghana Days is an initiative which seeks to promote the Ghanaian market, its viability, lucrative and potential nature to...
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have called on government and all political parties to help empower the local seed industry by providing an enabling environment and logistical support to ensure that Ghana is seed sufficient. The CSOs believe that government and political parties can, through their manifestos and policies, safeguard input...
20  Micro and Small  Medium Scaled Enterprises (MSMEs) participated in a Masterclass handcraft soapmaking course from August 2 to August 5 2022 in Accra. The training formed part of activities conducted under UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization European Union in Ghana funded West Africa Competitiveness Programme - Ghana...
but lack of finance, expertise et al threaten sustainability Despite accounting for 85 percent of employment in the manufacturing sector, Micro-, Small- and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) continue to face a myriad of challenges, says the Ghana Enterprise Agency (GEA). The MSME space, it lamented, is constrained by lack of finance,...