The central bank has begun stakeholder engagements toward establishing an apex body for the problematic microfinance sector, in the likeness of the ARB Apex Bank which regulates rural and community banks. In the wake of the DKM and other scandals, some players in the sector have been telling the B&FT...
The National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) has launched an incubator programme in partnership with the Strategies to Promote Innovative Networks (SPINnet)—Garment and Textiles Cluster to groom and accelerate entrepreneurs and small-scale businesses in the garments and textiles sector. The NBSSI/SPINnet Incubator Programme will train existing and potential start-ups...
By popular demand, Jumia Ghana has extended this year’s Black Friday slated for November 24th to December 8th to December 15th. This is to give customers’ ample time to buy all affordable and discounted items they wish to purchase for the season. It is discount raining season for all customers...
Players in the real estate sector have called for the adoption and application of green-build methods in the construction of buildings to ensure safety of lives and the environment. The concern was raised during the Ghana Green Building Summit, organised in Accra by Emerald Properties to engage stakeholders on the...
Africa gas market tiny but growing fast Electricity generation is main growth driver Unified pricing system tough in undeveloped markets Africa should develop a gas pricing index based on the cost of electricity set midway between existing global benchmarks to ensure fairer pricing in new export projects on the...
Governments must be held accountable for African countries’ slow progress on global education goals since underperforming schools and teachers are usually victims of a dysfunctional system, the U.N.’s cultural agency UNESCO said last week Wednesday. Sub-Saharan Africa falls behind other parts of the world by most education standards, with one...
The Ghana Insurers Association (GIA), the umbrella Trade Association for all Insurance Companies doing business in the country, held its first National General Insurance Conference at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra recently. The Conference was on the theme ‘Transforming the General Insurance Industry in Ghana through Self-Regulation, Financial Capacity...
BEIGE has bagged two awards - Finance Team of the Year and Business Transformation Award at the 3rd CFO Awards held at the Movenpick Hotel. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) awards is a gathering of senior finance professionals. It brings together business/financial leaders so as to reward and recognise their...
Raddy Infant School, a private institute for child education in Sogakope, observed this year’s UN Day with a passionate call that stakeholders in child development should strive to promote and protect the rights of children. Addressing parents, teachers and pupils at a function held at the school to mark the...
Vodafone Ghana has assured customers that its mobile money service is robust and provides no avenue for fraudulent activities on its network. Media reports in recent weeks have highlighted alleged fraudulent activities on some mobile money platforms in the country. Whilst no comment has been made about Vodafone in relation...