Universities in the country opened yesterday to enable final year students to complete their education as part of measures of the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictions. To this end, government is to make available Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other logistics to the 234 universities in the country. We learn...
If it is indeed true that some MPs, staff and journalists who have tested positive for the virus are still reporting to work, then we have a major problem on our hands. This is because as leaders, they are sending the wrong signals to the populace. There are many who...
Staff of Ghana Export-Import Bank (GEXIM) have donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and cash to help three institutions in their fight against the spread of the novel Coronavirus in the country. The beneficiary institutions include the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, the Adabraka Polyclinic and the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital all...
Ghana could be forced into an early redemption of its 7 and 15-years bonds issued in March 2017, as Franklin Templeton, the company that bought about 95percent of the assets faces financial troubles in India. The US-based mutual firm which bought Ghana’s bonds at a rate of 19.75percent and at...
The woes of the nation’s health sector seem to be deepening as the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (PMAG) and the Chamber of Pharmacy Ghana (CPG) have written to the Ministry of Health, serving notice over their intention to halt the supply of drugs to health care facilities funded...
Some are on their phones chatting on WhatsApp with friends. Others are watching videos on their mobile devices or listening to radio. While others are entertaining themselves with draught (a board game in Ghana) or engaged in heated argument about the upcoming polls in December. Ordinarily, you won’t see...
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has directed its Customs Division at the port to resume normal operations, as their shift system which was put in place due to measures to check the spread of COVID-19 has been cancelled. The move is part of urgent steps being taken by the GRA...
The world’s leading disinfectant, which proved effective against the Ebola virus and is now EPA approved to kill the coronavirus, has entered Ghana. Sold worldwide, the Halo Fogger and Halomist combined, offer an unparalleled way of disinfection. The Halosil Disinfection System has been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
The Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) - the institution mandated to develop and promote Ghana’s non-traditional exports - has presented a variety of safety items as its support in helping Handicraft Export Communities fight against COVID-19. The items were presented to the three Arts & Craft Centres at Aburi, Tetteh...
Lab Innova for Africa, a technical-managerial training project set up by the Italian Trade Agency, has launched a virtual training programme with support from the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) for Ghanaian Agro-based businesses. The training programme is aimed at increasing the technical and managerial skills of local agri-food companies...