"A nation that does not have responsible leadership to manage its natural resources wisely will destroy future generations." Ghana stands at a crossroads, facing a dilemma that could determine its future for generations to come. This dilemma revolves around galamsey, a term derived from the phrase "gather them and sell,"...
The recently passed Shippers Authority Act, now two months old, has ignited a wave of mixed reactions from key players in Ghana’s shipping and trading sectors. While some local manufacturers and small individual shippers have welcomed the legislation, anticipating significant reductions in port costs and fees which is very debatably...
By Evelyn ARTHUR The Ghana Navy plays a crucial role in protecting the country’s territorial waters from piracy and other illicit activities. Aside this important duty, they also take some time to enjoy good music at the right moments. Over the weekend, the Navy organized an end-of-course band concert to showcase...
By Konrad Kodjo DJAISI UN Security Council Resolution 1325 urges all actors to increase the participation of women and incorporate gender perspectives in all peace and security efforts, Commandant of the Kpfi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Major General Richard Addo Gyane disclosed on the occasion of launching a...
Ghana Link Network Services Ltd. has completed the construction of four weighbridges at Tema Port GPHA Terminal 1 and two at the Atlantic Terminal Services in Takoradi. While all the weighbridges provide gross, tare and net weights (i.e. standard weights) of cargoes, some of the weighbridges are multi-deck. Outside the...
The Ghana Shippers’ Authority Bill, which has been approved by Parliament, is on the verge of receiving Presidential assent and becoming law. This law will clothe the Ghana Shippers’ Authority with the powers to regulate shipping service provision within the country. Emmanuel Kofi Arku, the Director of Business Development and Commercial...
Stakeholders in Ghana's maritime sector continue to work together to improve security standards at Ghana's ports through the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS). The Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA), in collaboration with the Department of Transport of the United Kingdom, has organized a maritime inspector's...
A third commercial port in the Keta municipality remains a major priority on the itinerary of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA). The board and management of GPHA have expressed commitment to ensuring that due processes are followed to see to the successful construction and operationalisation of the...
The Executive Director of the Centre for International Maritime Affairs, Ghana (CIMAG), Albert Derrick Fiatui, has called on the government to adopt re-shore technology as a key strategy to combat coastal erosion. According to him, this approach is essential in reducing the energy of tidal waves while preserving the integrity...
The Keta coastline in Ghana’s Volta Region is at serious risk of being lost within two years due to the rapid rate of coastal erosion, according to Albert Derrick Fiatui, the Executive Director of the Center for International Maritime Affairs, Ghana (CIMAG). Speaking in an interview with Solomon Anderson on...