The Journalists for Responsible Fisheries and Environment (JRFE) is calling on government to end illegal transhipment of fish at sea popularly known as ‘Saiko’ to help better the lives of artisanal fishers. JRFE is worried about how the livelihoods of artisanal fishers in the four coastal regions of Ghana, are...
Most fishermen in coastal districts of the Western Region have embraced this year’s fishing Closed Season which lasts from July to September. A visit to Apeiwosika at Axim, Shama, Sekondi, New Takoradi and Funko beaches show that the closed season has been deeply understood and accepted by the fisherfolk. Western Regional...
By Latif MUSAH Despite regulations set forth by the Fisheries Regulation 2010 (LI 1968), illegal fishing practices persist along Ghana's coastline, threatening marine resources and livelihoods. Techniques such as light fishing, carbide usage, dynamite explosions, and chemical pollutants like DDT continue unabated, leading to a decline in fish stocks and...
Today, the fisheries sector is playing an extremely important role in Ghana. It binds hundreds of coastal communities, supporting livelihoods and survival for almost 3 million people. Unfortunately, the sector has become very vulnerable because of foreign influence. According to some European researchers at least 90percent of industrial trawlers operating...
While two sectors, industry and services, were decimated by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic as they experienced contraction of 5.7 percent and 2.6 percent respectively, agriculture rather saw a growth of 2.5 percent in the second quarter, according to data released by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). The agriculture...
For the first time in three years, the countries fishing sector has shown signs of a promising future as figures from the Ghana Statistical Service indicate it has finally recorded growth after a period of contraction. The fishing sector has been in abysmal form since 2017, when growth contracted to...
An acrimonious relationship between mining companies and members of host communities, especially farmers over compensation for acquisition of land for mining purposes is a common feature in the country. The absence of a clearly defined legislation covering compensation for the acquisition of land for mining has created a vacuum for...
Egbert Faibille, Chief Executive Officer of Petroleum Commission (PC) has praised fishermen for their cooperation in minimising incursions into safety zones. “A safety zone is an area extending 500 metres from any part of offshore oil and gas installations; our fishermen have done well in minimising risks to fishing and...
Women in Fisheries Against Violence (WiFVEs) project has been launched at Anomabo in the Mfantseman Municipality in the Central Region to address issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the fishing communities. The project, implemented by Hen Mpoano, a Coastal Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with Central and Western Fishmongers Improvement Association...
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Mavis Hawa Koomson, has lauded GOIL for the provision of quality marine gas oil and lubricants to fishing vessels. In a keynote address at a fisheries’ stakeholder meeting on fuel bunkering services for marine vessels in Tema, Hawa Koomson noted that local companies such...