Embodying the country’s rich heritage and extending premium hospitality to guests from diverse backgrounds, the Royal Senchi Hotel and Resort is poised to celebrate its tenth anniversary. The hotel, renowned for exemplifying the true spirit of traditional Ghanaian hospitality and creativity, is gearing up for the celebrations with a lineup...
as it calls for reforms Growing concerns over sustainability of the country’s power sector are the result of lacking transparency and negligence on the part of some key stakeholders, the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) has noted. In recent times, the sector has come under severe scrutiny due...
Upfield West Africa has donated an aggregation warehouse facility to Women Shea Cooperative at Bongbini, a farming community in the East Mamprusi District of North-East Region. The facility is expected to store about 150,000 tons of shea nuts to curb the stress shea pickers, mostly women, go through in storing the...
Future Global Resources (FGR), current owner and operator of the Bogoso Prestea Mine (BPM), has pledged to make female development and the promotion of diversity key pillars to the mine development and future growth plans. In this regard, FGR recognizes women as the driving force in the economy and is...
The Trade Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana and its international partner, the Danish Trade Union Development Agency (DTDA), has supported informal sector members of the union with personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep them safe as they go about their businesses this festive season. TUC’s informal sector wing - referred...
Vodafone Ghana has opened an ultra-modern retail shop in Tamale as part of efforts to extend quality services to people of the Northern Region. The new shop, which was unveiled at a brief ceremony, has been re-designed to meet Vodafone’s global retail standards.  It is equipped with a state of...
MTN Ghana Foundation has donated 3,000 KN95 face masks to the Greater Accra Regional hospital, also known as  Ridge hospital, to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Corporate Services Executive of MTN Ghana, Mr. Samuel Koranteng, the donation also forms part of the foundation’s recently launched...
Allianz Life Insurance has been adjudged the Fastest Growing Company at the third edition of the Ghana Insurance Awards held over the weekend. The company which commenced its operations in 2018 picked up the award for the inroads it has made in the highly competitive Ghanaian insurance industry. Commenting on the...
The Bank of Ghana has finally inaugurated the 65-bed capacity hospital located at Cantonments, Accra, to provide quality health care to the public, especially, in this era of pandemic where health facilities are over-burdened with many cases. Designed and built by the Universal Hospital Group (UHG), the €85 million health...
…indicates that 959 is the only legitimate digital platform for NLA 5/90 games The National Lottery Authority (NLA) has cautioned the general public and players of NLA products/Services against the increasing number of non-legitimate digital lottery platforms in the country to defraud staking public, emphasizing that the only operational...