The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) has called on government to address delays to input distribution, the poor quality of inputs, as well as bureaucracies holding back smooth implementation of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) initiative. According to the PFAG, reports from its regional monitoring identified loopholes...
  For many developing economies, local agricultural markets are the lifeline of smallholder agricultural production systems. Small holder farmers obtain substantial benefits through greater engagement in local markets. Marketing of farm produce of smallholders in many developing economies is beset with a number of challenges which reduce the benefits of smallholder...
Government is to reinforce quarantine activities at the country’s various entry points to prevent invasions of the Fall Army Worm (FAW) affecting agricultural production, Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) Dr. Sagre Bambangi, has said. “Government is determined to deepen its awareness and sensitisation campaigns as well strengthen the...
The Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture, Mr. George Oduro, has reiterated government’s commitment to establish mechanisation centres across the country to make it easier for farmers to access tractors. The centres, with input devices, will be ready before June-July 2018, he said. “Government has observed the farmers’ needs, hence the...
Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod) is vigorously exploring prospects in the Chinese market for the country’s premium cocoa products, for which reason meetings have been ongoing between the two sides. Cocobod also plans to make a good showing at the maiden China International Import Exposition to be held in Shanghai from...
The Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) has expressed optimism of reaping a significant increase in cashew export earnings, targeting over US$250million from international trade of the commodity in 2018. Cashew is currently the leading agricultural non-traditional export (NTE) earner. In 2016, it fetched the country US$197million, representing 53% of the...
There’s no gainsaying that food, agriculture and agribusiness have a substantial economic, financial, social, and environmental pawmark. According to Mckinsey, the $5 trillion Agribusiness industry represents 10 percent of global consumer spending, and 40 percent of employment. The Word Bank gives the industry 10% of global GDP (barring any...
As part of a sustainable production road-map toward positioning cashew crop as an agriculture goldmine, government is expected to unveil a ‘Cashew Development Policy’ next month to outline measures that will promote the cash crop’s production, sale and processing in the country. The Cashew Development Policy will indicate government's commitment...
Government has, as part of its industrialisation drive, outlined measures aimed reviving all collapsed cashew processing factories in the country. Key among the steps is a joint effort by the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) and the Exim Bank to offer financial support for the retooling of troubled factories to...
B-BOVID’s remarkable success in the application of social and scientific innovation to agribusiness is ample evidence that with strategic thinking, commitment and long-term investment, Ghana can reap the benefits of sustainable agriculture sooner rather than later. Scientific mix The model, the first of its kind in Ghana, combines agro-forestry, organic farming...