Sophia Kafui Teye’s launches books for couples and parents


Columnist and author Sofia Kafui Teye has launched two new books namely Overcoming Fertility and Contemporary Parenting aimed at helping both childless couples and parents to manage and get the best out of their situations.

The ‘Overcoming Infertility’ tackles topics such as childlessness, causes of infertility and treatment, a scientific explanation of pregnancy, how society perceives childlessness as a woman’s problem, consequences of delayed childbirth, biblical assurances and possibilities of childbirth for everyone.

This book seeks to serve as an advocacy tool that creates awareness on the subject of infertility, support mechanisms available, treatment options; and how society should be supportive, accommodative and sympathetic to the woes of couples struggling to have children. Its target audience includes counsellors, couples struggling to have children, pastors, libraries, fertility centres and everyone else interested in expanding their knowledge-base.

It further provides interviews with obstetricians and senior gynecologists, counsellors and men of God who have been supportive to couples who find themselves in this situation.

The second book, titled ‘Contemporary Parenting’, explores the contemporary phenomenon of engaging nannies and domestic assistants as a component of contemporary parenting; and in addition, shares some best practices on how to prepare to do so more effectively.

It also has extensive discussions on behavioral needs and developmental stages in children; capturing the influence of technology and social media on children, effects of strained parental relationships on children, and parenting children with special needs. It also touches on parenting in a world of changing sexual orientations.

The Author, Mrs. Kafui Teye, said one of the sure ways of building good parent-child relationship is for parents to keep good communication relationship with their children.

“Parents need to intentionally talk to their children about how they feel about them, what future they wish for them and how they can get there.

Couples going through the challenge of infertility are already hurting and the least friends and family can do is to stay off their business,” she said.

Commissioner of Police (COP) Maame Tiwaa Addo Danquah, has recommended newly published books; contemporary parenting and overcoming infertility, by Sophia Kafui Teye to parents and couples as life manual.

Speaking at the book launch, the senior police officer, who was the guest of honour, said that parenting in this 21st century amid advanced technology and modernization requires parents and guardian to be open minded and seek professional advice.

Notwithstanding, she urged parents on the need to raise disciplined children irrespective of the times, emphasizing that moral and cultural values as Ghanaians and Africans should not be compromised on the grounds of modernity. She cautioned against overly pampering children but rather raising them to become responsible adults that would impact the world positively.

She further advised against discrimination and stigmatization in society against couples battling with infertility and asked that couples grab a copy of the book titled ‘Overcoming Infertility’ to broaden their knowledge base and learn some of the best ways to handle the situation.

Fertility Specialist, Dr Promise Sefogah, spoke about advancement in medical intervention in relation to dealing with infertility and other kinds of challenges that couples may go through, hence, the need to seek medical diagnosis when couples face prolonged infertility. Adding that there are Assisted Reproductive Therapies to help in that regard though quite expensive.

Chairman for occasion, Dr. Daniel Addo, CFO of National Petroleum Authority, commended the Author, Sophia Kafui Teye, for producing such an intriguing and comprehensive literature material that would be of critical importance to parents, guardian and couples.