My daddy, my daddy!! As you turn the age of retirement + 5, your baby will be singing and shouting to all who will hear, of the incredible man you are!!
Leading up to the celebration of this milestone, I found myself thoroughly reflecting on your impact. There are, unequivocally, a myriad of things to speak of in that respect. After all, you cannot talk about landmarks in Accra without mentioning the Oil Dome. My emphasis, however, is your impact on the home front.
For the benefit of readers who may not know, daddy was instructed by way of an encounter on 19th June 1991, to build the Ministry we all behold today. Amidst the visitation, he was directed to 1 Timothy 3:1: “This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.” However, the most salient part of the chapter, in my view, is found in the verse 5, which says: “For if a man cannot manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church?” (NLT)
Indeed, your laudable legacy would be inconsequential had there been dysfunction within your own family. It is an absolute shame, when people from all over the world extol the achievements of a person, and yet, their children sing a different tune.
Your simultaneous dedication to the Kingdom and to our family is an exemplary testament of your personification of Christ’s love and grace. At this juncture, I would be remiss if I didn’t shout out your co-celebrant, Rita Ntriwaa, who made this balance even more seamless.
Relatedly, I am reminded of a profound statement by trailblazing inventor and engineer Charles Kettering: “Every father should remember that one day, his son will follow his example, not his advice.” They always forget the daughters, but that’s a conversation to be had at another time.
The point nevertheless remains relevant. Had your character at home been at odds with your teachings, or had you been a hypocrite, I don’t think my headstrong siblings and I would be fervently serving your God. You never had to demand this passion from us, but when children grow up seeing diligence, compassion, humility, kindness and integrity, it would have taken the successful intervention of your family altars from Kopevi for us to do otherwise.
You have been a father, a pastor, a mentor, a teacher, a wise guide, a steadfast light, an anchor in the most tumultuous times, and overall, a leader by example. ‘Thank you’ appears devastatingly inadequate, but I mean it with every fibre of my being. I love you so much my daddy, my daddy, your baby is singing happy birthday!
Joshuana Mawuena Korankye-Ankrah