Retirement journey (7): the legacy of the retiree



In our desire to prepare adequately for a successful retirement experience, we tend to lay a lot of emphasis on money and wealth as indispensable ingredients.  However, factors that account for successful and enjoyable retirement life go beyond the rich and enviable pension package.

In their determination to make the best use of their retirement life, some people still encounter situations and conditions which tend to erode their happiness and joy.

No Pension Funds

Many elderly individuals living in rural and urban communities in Africa, do not have access to pension funds.  Some self-employed people, who are not linked to any pension scheme, tend to work beyond the normal retirement age, trying to make enough money to take care of their family, until they leave the planet earth.

Facing the unexpected

In reality, not many elderly people (who have no pension funds) are able to work actively far into retirement life.  For example, health challenges could place a limitation on the ability of the retiree to work for a long time, to earn the right money to support themselves and their families.

It is expected that adult children would take care of their parents when the latter attain the age of retirement. Indeed, the Bible has an important message for children,

“Honour your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land The Lord your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12 NIV).

While some children are able to reciprocate the love, care and sacrifice of their parents, others, unfortunately, neglect their aged mothers and fathers at a time the latter need their help most.

The critical issues

In all these situations, there are two critical issues which the retiree – with or without pension money – needs to address before they leave the planet earth:

  1. What legacy is the retiree going to leave for their family, their community, nation and the world at large?
  2. Where will the retiree spend eternity after death?

In an attempt to acquire riches for themselves at all cost, some older people indulge in serious malpractices such as misappropriation of funds, which tend to affect them negatively and create a bad image for themselves and their families.

It is unfortunate that society generally tends to admire people who have built mansions, bought a fleet of vehicles and amassed great wealth, irrespective of how they made their money.


In recent times, the print and electronic media in some African countries have been publishing stories of serious degradation of the environment.  In some countries like Ghana, indiscriminate and illegal mining activities, locally known as ‘galamsey’, have caused a lot of damage to water bodies and farm lands.

Water sources which, in the past, served many rural communities with potable water, have now been seriously polluted, as a result of irresponsible gold mining activities.

It is unfortunate that some individuals, including some retirees, support the “galamsey”, because of the wealth they make out of the illegal business.  They think of their own selfish interest and forget about the serious damage they cause to the health and wellbeing of other citizens.

Retirees who engage in or support such illegal and destructive activities are going to leave future generations with a huge problem.  Such retirees become a liability instead of an asset to the society.

On the other hand, some less-privileged individuals work hard and maintain a good record of accountability and integrity throughout their lives.  While some of their work colleagues amass wealth through dishonest means, they choose to live simple, honest lives, with the aim of serving God and setting a good example for their children and the society in general.

Value-added legacy

In today’s world, we still benefit from the sacrifices and good works of people who have passed on, long before our time.

Recently, while my wife and I were waiting in the departure hall at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, for our return flight to Ghana, I decided to buy some snack at the duty-free shop.  After choosing the items, I offered payment, but I had to wait for some time, because the sales lady was struggling to find a change for me.

At this time, there was another passenger, a South African, who was also buying some items from the same shop.  While waiting, I engaged him in a short conversation.  When he got to know that I am from Ghana, he exclaimed,

“From Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana! Then I will pay for your snack.”

He had a lot of good things to say about Dr Kwame Nkrumah and his dream of uniting Africa. A stranger was ready to offer me assistance, because of the unique achievements of my country’s first president.

Sports icons

In Ghana, names like Dogo Moro, Wilberforce Mfum, Edward Acquah and Baba Yara easily resonate in the world of sports.  These are renown old-time Black Star players, who made Ghana proud and carved a name for themselves in the history of African football.

Laying the right foundation

A story is told of a man of integrity who worked hard to look after his children.  With a lot of sacrifice, he raised resources to support his children’s education and the general welfare of the family.

At the time of his death, his adult children were looking forward to inheriting properties such as a house and land.  Unfortunately, their father was unable to leave any expected ‘valuable property’ for them.  Indeed, they all felt that their father had disappointed them.

Later, after their father’s death, a daughter of the deceased applied for a job with a well-known company in the city.  In the interview room, the Chief Executive Officer was attracted by the lady’s surname, which sounded familiar.  When he probed further, he got to know that he knew the candidate’s father.

He had worked with him in another organization some years before.  He remembered her father as a dedicated, hard-working and honest person, who played a significant role in the growth and development of that corporate entity. With this recollection, he turned to the candidate and said,

“The interview is over.  You are to start work next week.”

The lady was given a high position in the company.  Within a couple of years, she was promoted to a higher position and she became a member of the Senior Management Team.  Their late father had left her and her siblings with a very important legacy, a good name – a firm foundation – which they could build on to achieve good success in life.

In our modern day, some individuals – with or without pension packages – have struggled through life, determined to live a godly life and accomplish their mission on earth with integrity.  As cited above, such great characters may not be able to put up mansions for their children or leave them with great riches, but some time after their death, their noble deeds would open great doors of opportunities for their family members.

Social Responsibility

In the case of wealthy retirees, there is the need to remember that living a luxurious life, while ignoring our social responsibility, displeases God our Maker.  The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, as narrated in Luke Chapter 16:19-31, serves as a warning to all humankind.

The rich man in the narrative lived a godless and selfish life and did not care about poor Lazarus who needed his help. In the end, the rich man found himself languishing in hell; but the poor godly character, Lazarus, was received with joy in Heaven.

Our Godly Mission

All people living on the planet earth have a God-given mission to accomplish before we leave this world.  We are also required to account for the life we lived on earth.  The Apostle Paul reminds us,

“… we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad”. (2 Corinthians 5:10 NIV).


As retired people, we must know that money and mansions do not guarantee a happy life, because “life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15 NIV).

Therefore, as retirees, we must, in whatever socio-economic situation  or condition we find ourselves, aim at adding value to our lives, so that at the end of it all, we shall leave a value-added legacy for our family members, our community, our nation and the world at large; and most importantly, receive God’s approval,

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23 ESV).

Written by:

John is a HR/Management Practitioner

Phone/WhatsApp: 0244599628

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