ILO, GIPC’s breakfast meeting for 100 CEOs


By Buertey Francis BORYOR

In a bid to underscore the importance of fair labour practices, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in collaboration with the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has held a breakfast business meeting with key stakeholders within the multinational companies in the country, as well as public sector agencies, September, 30, 2024.

The business meeting, for hundred Chief Executive Officers (CEO), which took place in Accra, ahead of Ghana Club Hundred Awards, is part of GIPC’s efforts at promoting and enforcing fair labour practices in the country, and is in alignment with ILO’s standards.

The event sought to raise awareness among Multinational Companies (MNEs) operating in the country about fair labour practices and their significance in the business environment.

Additionally, it aimed to empower workers to understand their rights and participate actively in promoting fair labour standards.

ILO Director for Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Liaison for ECOWAS, Vanessa L. Phala, in a keynote speech at the event, commended the country for demonstrating a strong commitment towards promoting the ILO Multinational Enterprises (MNE) Declaration – the ILO instrument on responsible business conduct – by designating tripartite-appointed national focal points for the promotion of the MNE Declaration, bringing together the government, employers and workers perspectives.

Also she said, the country is one of the 12 ILO Member States that have designed national focal points.

“The four national focal points represent the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, the Ghana Investment Promotion Center, the Ghana Employers Association and the Trades Unions Congress of Ghana,” she elaborated.

She added that: “It is by working together that we will achieve our goal to make inclusive and sustainable growth a reality in Ghana where responsible, competitive and productive enterprises contribute to the realization of decent work.”

The meeting was organized under the framework of the EU/ ILO Trade for Decent Work Project. The Trade for Decent Work is sponsored by the EU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Finland, with support from the Ghana Employers Association, the TUC, and government of Ghana.

About the MNE Declaration

The MNE Declaration is an ILO instrument that promotes decent work within multinational enterprises working in Ghana and elsewhere.

About the ILO/ EU Trade for Decent Work Project

With funding from the European Union and the Government of Finland, the ILO/ EU project seeks to support improvement of the application of the ILO fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labour relations and working conditions. The project is being implemented in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Cabo Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Ghana and Madagascar.

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