Innocent me used to be
In innocence I continued to be
Then my innocence grew up with my peers
Then my innocence drew closer to their disobedience
Then my innocence drank in their indulgence
How my innocence failed to sense their smelly transgressions
I wonder!
How my innocence indulged in their guiltiness
I wonder!
The old me trusted in you
Trusted and entrusted to you
Till you betrayed trust
Then the old trusting me had a jolt to the reality of mistrust
To the tragedy of distrust
Then mistrust built around me a wall of suspicion
How my trust entrusted to a betrayal
I wonder!
How I began to entrust no trust to your soul
I wonder!
How I assigned no trust to any soul
I wonder!
The old me of the heart
Knew how to forgive from the heart
Knew how to forgive and forget
Then a new heart of me
Sighed with me, said to me
“See how they take your magnanimity for granted”
How a new heart forgot to forgive
I wonder!
How a new heart forgot to forget
I wonder!
The naive immaturity of me
Believed all in all gullibilty
Poured on all my pity
Proved to all my integrity
Then in my nurtured maturity
I slipped out of empathy
I sneaked into feigned sympathy
How my naive immaturity condensed into a nurtured maturity
I wonder!
A gentleman bided gently in me
A gentle persuasion schooled me into gentleness
Shaped me into a pacifist
Silenced me into few words
Then rough effrontery bred tough effusions
Then rough antics fetched rough tactics
Then push rushed to shove along
How a gentle friend turned a subtle fiend
I wonder!
How the old me evaporated into thin air
I wonder!
How I drifted away from innocence down to guiltiness
I wonder!
How I lost the old me to the new
I shudder!