Shaping tomorrow: strategic solutions for private universities


By Prof. Samuel Lartey ([email protected])

Ghana’s higher education landscape has long been bolstered by private universities, which offer diverse programs and contribute significantly to the country’s educational development. However, these institutions now face critical challenges that threaten their sustainability: declining student enrolment, high costs of financing education, and economic turbulence leading to social instability.

As stakeholders in higher education seek viable solutions, a comprehensive study offers a beacon of hope, outlining strategic approaches for private university entrepreneurs, with crucial support from the government, regulatory authorities, and international collaborations, to navigate these turbulent waters.

Private universities in Ghana

Private universities in Ghana have made significant contributions to the country’s higher education landscape. They provide diverse academic programs that cater to the growing demand for higher education, helping to alleviate the pressure on public universities. By offering flexible learning options and innovative courses, private universities address various educational needs and market demands.

Despite these positive impacts, private universities face challenges such as declining enrolment, high operational costs, and stringent regulatory requirements. Private universities in Ghana are witnessing a worrying trend, a steady decline in student enrolment. This challenge is compounded by intense competition from public universities, financial constraints, and the need to maintain high-quality standards. The effects are palpable, including reduced revenue streams and increased pressure on institutional sustainability.

Strategic Solutions for Sustainability

In response to these challenges, this feature identifies several strategic solutions that can help private universities thrive, with a focus on collaboration with government, regulatory authorities, and international partners:

  1. Government Support and Policy Interventions

The government plays a critical role in supporting private universities. Policy interventions such as providing subsidies, tax incentives, and financial aid programs for students can ease the financial burden on both institutions and families. Additionally, establishing a more flexible regulatory framework can help private universities adapt to changing circumstances without compromising educational standards.

  1. Innovative Marketing

To attract more students, private universities need to employ innovative marketing strategies. This includes leveraging digital platforms, engaging in targeted outreach programs, and building strong brand identities. Effective marketing not only boosts visibility but also highlights the unique value propositions of private institutions.

  1. Diversified Academic Programs

Offering a diverse range of academic programs can attract a broader student base. By developing courses that align with market demands and emerging fields, private universities can appeal to students seeking relevant and future-oriented education. Partnerships with industry can further enhance program offerings, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped for the job market.

  1. International Educational Institutional Exchanges

Forming partnerships with international educational institutions can provide numerous benefits. Exchange programs for students and faculty can enhance academic quality, expose participants to new perspectives, and foster global networks. These exchanges can also lead to collaborative research opportunities and shared resources.

  1. Faculty Development

Investing in faculty development is crucial for maintaining high academic standards. Providing opportunities for faculty to attend international conferences, pursue advanced degrees, and participate in professional development programs can enhance teaching quality and research output.

Recommendations for the Future

To ensure the sustainability of private universities in Ghana, this feature recommends a multi-faceted approach that involves active government support, regulatory flexibility, and international collaboration:

  1. Government and Regulatory Authorities:

The government should consider providing financial support and subsidies to private universities and students. Regulatory bodies can adopt a more flexible approach to accreditation and compliance, allowing institutions to innovate and adapt more readily.

  1. Promote Awareness and Knowledge Sharing:

Organize workshops and campaigns to disseminate effective strategies for enrolment and regulatory compliance.

  1. Foster International Partnerships:

Encourage collaborations between private universities and international educational institutions to enhance program quality and global exposure.

  1. Innovate Educational Offerings:

Develop online and flexible learning options to attract non-traditional and international students.

  1. Invest in Faculty Development:

Provide faculty with opportunities for professional growth and international engagement.


Navigating the dual challenges of declining enrolment, high educational costs, and stringent regulatory requirements is crucial for the sustainability of private universities. By implementing innovative marketing strategies, diversifying academic programs, enhancing student support services, forming international partnerships, expanding scholarships, investing in faculty development, and leveraging alumni networks, these institutions can not only survive but thrive. The role of the government and regulatory authorities are paramount in providing the necessary support and flexibility to enable private universities to adapt and flourish.

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