Impact Investing Ghana receives grant from RISA Fund to increase research, innovation financing

Impact Investing Ghana, CEO (middle) pictured with some key stakeholders

Impact investing Ghana (IIGH), has received funding from the Research and Innovation Systems in Africa (RISA) Fund to build sustainable systems for research & innovation financing. The project will increase local funders for enterprises, increase access to funding and skills of Enterprise Support Organisations (ESOs) and increase collaboration between researchers and industry.

It will also address gaps holding back a thriving ecosystem for innovation. These include inadequate local funding for the launch and scale of innovation ventures, low capacity of businesses especially in working with long-term capital providers, inconsistent or uneven quality gaps in the Enterprise Support sector and low capacity of researchers in disseminating research in forms that industry can easily use.

The project has three work streams a) increasing investments and local funders for enterprises, increasing angel investing and scaling technology-driven deal sourcing in Ghana, b) improving the enabling environment for enterprise growth whilst increasing funding, skills and knowledge of ESOs and c) increasing collaboration between research and industry through the Ghana Impact Investing Research Industry Collaborative.

Enterprise Support Organisations
Amma Lartey, CEO, of Impact Investing Ghana

CEO of Impact Investing Ghana, Amma Lartey said “The financing and innovation ecosystem has been collaborating over the last year in piloting these programs. The funding from RISA will enable us to grow them and make them more sustainable. National and regional collaboration to fill gaps that are holding back the growth of businesses is vital for economic recovery and we want to see the growth of SMEs and funders who see impact as the new, normal way of doing business in Ghana.”

The project will be implemented by Impact Investing Ghana in collaboration with other stakeholders including research institutions, universities, government ministries and ESO collaborative members including Social Enterprise Ghana, Innohub, MBC Africa, Reach for Change, Mirepa Capital, Center for Entrepreneurship & Evaluation Development, Scale Up Africa, Ghana Hubs Network, Ghana Enterprises Agency, National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme, Ashesi University and others, setting the project on a path of sustainability.

The Research and Innovation Systems for Africa is a programme funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) that aims to strengthen research and innovation ecosystems in Africa.

Enterprise Support Organisations
IIGH with ecosystem partners at the event

More about RISA Funding

The Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA) Fund is by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and funded by UKAid, to support and strengthen research and innovation systems in six (6) African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Ethiopia. The joint fund originated from two complementary programs – Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa (SRIA) and the African Technology and Innovation Partnerships (ATIP). The fund’s objectives include research institution and system strengthening, innovation system strengthening, and strengthening synergies between research and innovation systems.

More about Impact Investing Ghana

Impact Investing Ghana (IIGh) is the Ghana National Advisory Board for Impact Investing. We are an independent private-sector-led initiative promoting sustainable development and advancing the development of the impact investment ecosystem in Ghana. Established as a nonprofit, IIGh is Ghana’s representative to the Global Steering Group (GSG) for Impact Investing, the successor to the Social Impact Investment Taskforce established by the G8.

The GSG’s National Advisory Boards (NABs) currently cover 33 countries and provide a global platform to drive investment and increase visibility for its members globally. IIGh aims at tackling Ghana’s pressing social and environmental challenges by driving more capital to deliver real impact. We are a local platform representing all the stakeholder groups needed to redirect significant capital flows toward social and environmental impact.

Private-sector-led, yet in close partnership with the national government, we raise awareness, create market intelligence, change policies, and mobilize additional financial resources for the public good. IIGh brings together leaders from the worlds of finance, business, government, social organizations, and philanthropy. IIGh has an ambitious plan to support the growth of impact ventures and to catalyze $ 1 billion in impact funds for investment in impact ventures in Ghana and the West African sub-region.Find more here


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