Wheel of Life Series with Lady Sam: Celebrate your wins


‘The more you celebrate your life the more there is in life to celebrate’. I recently heard this quote, and I thought it was very poignant, especially in a time where life seems to be so competitive now.

Meaning that people seem to be less excited about celebrating themselves because they are, maybe, comparing themselves to others, rather than appreciating their growth. Wanting to win or to succeed is indeed a good thing, it can bring a sense of fulfilment and give meaning to your life.

However, all too often, people tend to get caught up in trying to reach the end goal instead of appreciating what they did to get there – the journey is equally as important. It is vital to mark the moments of the small successes because it leads to bigger moments of success. Celebrating your success along the way creates a platform for you to build on. As a life coach, you get to share in the joy of people who have managed to achieve their goals, this normally serves as encouragement to seek bigger goals.

Below are a few reasons why it is important to make a conscious effort to celebrate your achievements or wins.

Celebrating your wins serves as a great source of motivation, especially if it is in an area that you previously faced a challenge in. It can be the spark that you need to help push you to continue to go forward.

Celebrating your wins can help you not only to feel inspired, but it can also be an integral part of learning. As mentioned above, if you faced a challenge in trying to accomplish a particular goal, then you can take this opportunity to look back at what you didn’t do well in, and use it as a reference – something that you have learnt from. This means that you have more experience in what doesn’t work well versus what does work, which allows you to be more effective in pursuing such tasks in future.

Your win, big or small, can also motivate or inspire others. Sharing a testimony at church can encourage someone going through a challenging situation, especially if it is similar. Equally, your win can encourage others to continue to pursue their goal, or it can even help others to be stimulated to come up with their own ideas, etc.

Succeeding at something can be a real morale booster, no matter how small. Not only will you feel more confident about yourself; depending on what it is, it can also cause others to feel confident about you.

You do not need to wait until you experience a great victory before you feel a sense of accomplishment. Be intentional about celebrating your wins.

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