#OutstandingBrands2022: Arthur Energy Advisors—Local Insights, Global Strategies – Transforming challenges into better energy within Africa’s Energy Sectors

#OutstandingBrands2022: Arthur Energy Advisors—Local Insights, Global Strategies - Transforming challenges into better energy within Africa’s Energy Sectors

For over 20 years, Arthur Energy Advisors (AEA) has been a catalyst for the increased contribution of indigenous perspectives across West Africa’s energy sectors to the development and execution of projects, policies, planning, and financing. These contributions have enabled AEA’s work to impact both people and institutions in many West African nations.

As winners of ‘Energy Consultancy Service Company of the Year’ at the Ghana Energy Awards in 2018 and 2021, and ‘Outstanding Energy Consultancy in West Africa’ at the West Africa Business Excellence Awards in 2019, we provide professional engineering and business advisory services by contributing value as categorized in five key areas:

  • Project Definition & Development
  • Project Management & Execution
  • Energy Strategy & Resource Planning
  • Energy Regulation & Policy Development and
  • Investment Facilitation

In over 20 years, we have executed assignments on behalf of and alongside many clients and partner organizations in various functional categories:

  • Multinational & International Development Finance Institutions & Lenders – World Bank, The Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO), Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW), Norfund, FinnFund, Millennium Challenge, Africa 50, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),
  • Regional Bodies – ECOWAS Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), West African Power Pool (WAPP), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
  • Utilities – Volta River Authority (VRA), Electricity Company Ghana (ECG), Northern Electricity Department (NEDCo), Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (ESDA), Société Nationale d’électricité du Burkina Faso (SONABEL), Société nationale d’électricité du Sénégal (SENELEC), Communauté Électrique du Bénin (CEB)
  • Project Developers – Cenpower, InfraCo, Amandi Energy, TiCo/TAQA, Nuts for Growth, GuarantCo, NEK Ghana Limited, Delphos International Limited, Quantum Power Limited,

Through our long-standing work relationships with public and private sector institutions across West Africa, we significantly enhance efficiency in our execution of work, creating and supporting high value, high impact projects and activities in the marketplace. Evidence of these attributes is aptly demonstrated by the breadth of subject and impact areas of AEA’s past projects including:

  • Rural Electrification & Electricity Access Expansion
  • Renewable Energy Policy Development, Planning & Project Development
  • Utility & Industrial Energy Efficiency
  • Utility Performance Enhancement & Planning
  • Power Generation Project Development & Planning
  • Fuel Supply Planning & Project Development and
  • Legal & Regulatory Policy Development

At AEA, we pride ourselves on helping people to get better energy, so they can live better lives; whatever energy helps people to live better lives, we’re happy to help provide it. To support this purpose, for the future of Africa’s energy sectors, AEA will be prioritizing service provision and related activities towards supporting the financial and operational sustainability of:

  • Distribution Utilities – we will be focused on the delivery of operational efficiency improvements primarily by delivering cost efficient loss reduction technology solutions built to function effectively in Africa-specific distribution utility grids and conditions;
  • Industries – where we will be focused on improving profitability, operational efficiency, and financial performance via implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures and improved power supply options to improve the quality and pricing of power supply for Africa’s industries; and
  • Regulatory Policy and Planning – we will be focused on supporting improved energy access conditions, improved regulatory conditions to prepare Africa’s energy sectors for the challenges and resulting changes necessary to enable stakeholders to prepare for and be capable of gaining advantage from the advancement of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Electric Vehicles, Smart Grids and embedded generation and other trends in global energy supply and service delivery.

We take pride in all that we do, drawing from the 100+ years of cumulative experience our firm’s key experts have in operations, executive and management positions. We’re excited about Africa’s energy future and look forward to working with all manner of partners and stakeholders to achieve it.

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