Wheel of life series with  Lady Sam: Remaining positive for 2022

Wheel of life Series with  Lady Sam: Make an impact

We know we are still living with the effects of COVID, there is no doubt that we still live with the remnants of this pandemic and that we have had to find different ways to live our lives. Many of us were hoping that we had left COVID and all it came with, in 2020, however 2021 came with its fair share of down’s; in terms of loss of income, loss of businesses and even loss of loved ones, for some.

Looking back, some of us have had no choice but to reflect on some of the negative experiences had last year, however, it would also be good to reflect on the positives, in 2022, so that we position ourselves for positive experiences.

Find below some pointers on how we can have a positive outlook in 2022.

Be grateful. You have to be happy with what you have. If you can see, have a roof over your head, have food to eat, then these are phenomenal reasons to be grateful. You may not be where you want to be, but you are not where you could be. Be grateful during your journey in pursuit of the things you hope for in 2022.

The bible says in Proverbs 18:21, that death and life is in the power of the tongue, so make a conscious effort to speak positively over your life in 2022.

In Psalm 139:14, the bible says, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. This should tell us that we are made specifically and that we are unique. There is no one like us, let us always remember to consciously embrace and celebrate ourselves when we can.

Getting frustrated or agitated is so last season, in 2022, when things are not going to plan, remind yourself that the race is not given to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to he who endures. Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time and chance for us all. Life is not a competition, we will all get there if we keep pushing, be persistent and stay consistent. We must remember to stay in our lane because we all have our own individual journey to make.

As a life coach, I would obviously advocate for people to use the services of a life coach when wanting to embark on their goals, however, if this is not feasible then I would encourage individuals to either engage a reliable friend or relative and make them their accountability partner. Getting someone that is trusted as an accountability partner to hold one accountable to meet objectives and timelines is also a great way to ensure goals are met.

In whatever you do try to always go that extra mile with a smile.

Finally, remember to be happy, life is not a right, it is a privilege.

@ladysamgh ig.