The winning team (5): Dynamics of teamwork growing the corporate team 



Growing a corporate team in the right direction calls for serious commitment on the part of all stakeholders in the company or organization.

A winning corporate entity must aim at staying ahead of benchmark organizations and competitors at the market place.

  • An organization that continues to do business as usual is only undermining its own existence.

The entire team – comprising, broadly, the Chief Executive Officer, Managers and Employees – has a critical role to play in moving the company or business forward to gain an enviable position at the market place.

For a team to work efficiently and effectively, the key stakeholders – the members – must commit themselves to the vision and mission that drives it.  In the corporate business environment, the employer and the employees must operate in harmony to accomplish their objectives.

In many well-established institutions, organizations and companies, the Vision and Mission which drive their business are displayed conspicuously at the reception area and other vantage locations.  Some corporate entities also include the Core Values which drive their personnel and service.  Some of the Core Values displayed at the workplace include the following:

  • We value our customers.
  • We are responsive.
  • We encourage creativity and innovation.
  • We aim at excellence.
  • We are people of integrity.

The Core Values are meant to assure clients and the general public of a highly qualified team, ready to deliver excellent product and services. In this way, management and employees work together as a team, to project a positive image – an excellent trade mark – to its stakeholders and the general public.

The Management and the employees are required to adhere to the policies and practices which define them as a great team.

Every Manager and Staff Member needs to play their role efficiently and effectively, in order to position their business enterprise as a winning team at the market place.

  • Challenges

Unfortunately, many corporate bodies face serious challenges as they try to move their teams together, to achieve their planned objectives and targets.  There are some critical issues that the team needs to address in order to reposition it at a higher level of performance and recognition.

  • Entry Qualification

The educational and professional qualification needed for employment are settled at the point of entry into the workplace – through the interview processes.

However, as the corporate entity travels along its journey, in a very competitive market, this personal academic/professional profile is not enough to keep the corporate entity in good standing.

For example, a highly qualified Administrator may have entered the workplace some years ago without information and communication technology (ICT) skills.  However, if the Administrator does not acquire computer skills, in this present time, when online transactions have become an integral part of the company’s business, they would easily be replaced by someone else with the right skills.

  • On-the Job Training

As employees get engaged in the task of contributing their quota to the progressive move of their organizations, their knowledge and professional skills need to be updated regularly, to meet benchmark market requirements.  The employer must therefore commit financial and material resources to the training and retraining of their employees.

Sometimes, it becomes necessary for employees to learn new skills in addition to their professional areas.  Some team members may also have to move to new departments and take up additional responsibilities.

  • Skills such as basic accounting knowledge, information and communication technology (ICT) and driving skills would be needed to improve the competency of the team members.
  • If, in the past, managers and supervisors used the services of drivers in their professional work, it would be time for them to add the driving to their jobs.
  • To promote efficient and effective administration of funds, project staff would need to learn basic accounting skills, to enable them account well for project funds and travel advance.

As the global market demands change with time, there is also the need to bring in additional people with new skills, to help move the business in the right direction.

The executive team and senior managers need to play their role efficiently and effectively, in order to reposition the business enterprise at a top-level operation, to compete favorably in a highly competitive market.

  • The Jethro Leadership Principle

To be able to attain this enviable position, the top leadership needs to equip itself with cutting-edge leadership skills. In my article entitled “Value Added Leadership Principles, The Jethro Model”(published in the Ghanaian Times of 30th March 2022), I have highlighted the important role that Jethro played in assisting his son-in-law, Moses, with top level leadership skills which were meant to transform his administration (Exodus 18).

Going by Jethro’s unique leadership principles, many business entities across the world have made good use of teamwork to achieve greater heights.

One of Jethro’s leadership principles recommends that the entire group, population (or employees) must be educated on the rules and regulations which govern the corporate body.

Today, following the above principle at the workplace,

  1. All employees must be educated on the Vision, Mission and Core Values of the business entity.
  2. All Employees must be given Job Descriptions outlining their duties and responsibilities.
  3. All staff members must learn about the organization’s Financial policies. For example, this would help them to account efficiently for national and International travel advance. It would also guide employees in accessing financial assistance (loan etc.) from management.
  4. All Staff must be educated on the Conditions of Service Policies (Human Resource manual) which guide their employment. Employees must learn about critical areas such as,
  • Workers’ rights, responsibilities and privileges.
  • Rules regarding Minor Misconduct and Gross Misconduct.
  • Sexual Harassment.
  • Child Abuse etc.

When the above policies and regulations are well understood by the employees, it helps to prevent unnecessary conflicts and legal actions which could be costly and time-wasting for the employer.

  • The Human Resource Manager

The position of the Human Resource Manager is very critical in the life of an organization, educational institution or business enterprise.  The Human Resource manager or officer plays a strategic role to keep all employees well informed and updated on the policies and regulations of the business entity. The important roles played by the position include the following:

  • Sourcing quality human capital to produce quality work.
  • Protecting the rights and privileges of employees.
  • Protecting the organization or company against potential damage resulting from in-house or external actions and inactions.
  • Protecting the company or organization against damage to its human capital and material assets.
  • No Free Lunch

In a certain company, workers engaged in a serious conflict with the top management. A newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company decided to discontinue providing free lunch for the employees. The previous CEO had introduced the free lunch, with the intention of motivating the staff for a short period of time, but, unfortunately, his intention was not communicated well to the workforce.  The new CEO’s decision to end the free meal was meant to reduce the company’s operational cost. The workers demonstrated against management for depriving them of what they considered was their right.

Such cases create a negative environment, where many workers became less committed to the vision and mission of the company. Their attitude, behavior and actions become a draw-back on the company’s progress.

On the other hand, such unfortunate situations could have been avoided, if proper education had taken place, so that the employees would be able to make a clear distinction between rights and privileges.

John is a HR/Management Practitioner,Phone/WhatsApp No. 0244599628

E-Mail: [email protected]