The pain of toiling all night



  • But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and

caught nothing…” Luke 5: 5(a) NKJV

  • Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. — Joshua J. Marine

We are still on our series on ‘the impact of the prophetic direction on business success’, in case you are reading this page for the first time.

To understand what Peter really meant, we must put his statement in proper perspective regarding fishing as a business. The act of toiling all night with nothing to show for is not new to those who have experience with fishing. Nelson, whose father had been a fisherman for years, understands this phenomenon well. It can be a tough experience. However, toiling all night with nothing in hand is not limited to fishermen. Many believers, at different stages of their lives, have had to struggle with nothing to show for their hard work.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

Toiling in fishing refers to the strenuous, often exhausting effort involved in catching fish, whether for sustenance, livelihood or recreation. It frequently describes the challenges fishermen face as they engage in labour-intensive work over long hours, often under difficult or unpredictable conditions. In a broader sense, “toiling in fishing” can symbolise putting in tremendous effort with uncertain outcomes, whether in literal fishing or in other pursuits, like work or business.

Fishing involves hauling heavy nets, rowing or operating boats and handling equipment, all of which require significant physical effort. Fishermen often spend long hours, sometimes entire days or nights, waiting for a catch or enduring the repetition of casting and retrieving nets or lines. Fishing can involve battling harsh weather, strong waves or dangerous waters, making the task even more demanding. Despite their hard work, fishermen may return with little or no catch due to factors like weather, water conditions or fish behaviour.

Simon answered, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing…” Luke 5:5(a) NKJV

What does it mean to ‘Toil’?

In a figurative sense, toil can describe enduring life’s hardships or challenges, symbolising persistence through adversity. To toil means to work extremely hard or engage in laborious and strenuous effort over a long period. It implies persistent and exhausting work, typically involving physical or mental strain. The term also carries a sense of struggle or difficulty, connoting engagement in demanding tasks with little rest or reward. It can also imply experiencing hardship or difficulty in achieving a goal.

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new centre of gravity. Don’t fight them—find a new way to stand.” — Oprah Winfrey

Reflections on ‘Toiling All Night…’

The statement “Simon answered, ‘Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing…’” holds significant business implications. In this section, we will explore these implications in detail.

Marketing without sales

Searching for customers to purchase your product or service can be a very frustrating venture. You may encounter people who ridicule you and belittle your efforts. Every entrepreneur can recall a time in their lives when they had to scout the town for customers and endure various ordeals. Nelson recounts the early days when he launched his first book and had to walk long distances in search of buyers. It was a tough period in his life, but he refused to give up. Today, the story has changed, and there are buyers who now pre-order our books.

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” — Henry Ford

Customers who don’t like to pay

Sometimes, the issue is not finding customers; it’s dealing with the attitude of the ones you do get. These attitudes can potentially collapse your business if you’re not careful. Imagine working tirelessly to attract customers, only to encounter those who refuse to pay for the value you are offering. It’s like “toiling all night and catching nothing!”

Employees who frustrate company business operations

The dream of every entrepreneur is to have a team that is dedicated to the company’s success. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Another form of toil that business owners endure is dealing with employees who don’t have the company’s best interests at heart. These individuals may steal from the company and divert resources for personal use. They don’t care about the company’s well-being. They may release confidential information to competitors without a second thought, arrive late to work and be the first to leave. They can also discourage those who are genuinely putting in their best effort for the company.

“Every problem is a gift—without problems, we would not grow.” — Tony Robbins

Regulators who don’t care about what your business is going through

This is one of the biggest headaches for most entrepreneurs, particularly in Africa. I remember when we started a restaurant business in Kumasi, and we eventually had to close it due to harassment from regulators. They had no interest in our business or the challenges we were facing. There were no systems in place to support businesses like ours. All they wanted was their share of the cake that wasn’t fully baked yet.

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” — Winston Churchill

It’s sad to note that in many African countries, tax incentives and other forms of support don’t reach the young people struggling to build something for themselves. The system seems intent on killing the dreams of entrepreneurs. This is yet another form of “toiling all night and catching nothing.”

The power of the prophetic word

There are situations that defy every ounce of knowledge, skill or experience one may possess. You’ve tried everything you know—read all the books, sought counsel, paid for coaching and undertaken the best training courses. You can boast of advanced certificates from the world’s best schools and have the finest tutors and spiritual leaders speaking over your life. You’ve applied every tip and trick you know, and not just once. This isn’t a matter of perseverance or impatience. You’ve tried and tried again, yet nothing seems to work. You still see no fruit in your marriage, career or business. But once God has given you a prophetic word, you must stick to it! There is no need to worry.

See your business as your pulpit

Peter’s action is commendable. His willingness to give out his boat to Jesus teaches us about positioning our businesses as a pulpit in the marketplace. You must adopt a ministry mindset about your job or business; view it as a Kingdom platform, and completely surrender it to God to use as He pleases. Keep this in mind daily and pray often for God to open your eyes to see how He wants to use your “boat” so you can align with His will. Whatever He asks you to do, even if it means untying a boat you have prepared at the shore and pushing it back into the water, do it.

He knows the best way to reach the multitude pressing in to hear about God in your school and business community. Whether they admit it or not, many have gaping holes in their hearts that only God can fill. They desperately need to hear the message of hope. God knows how best to reach them. He knows the vantage point from which your platform will wield the greatest influence. Go with His flow.

Your joy is coming!

Your business may be struggling to pay its debts now. You may be facing challenges with your marriage and family life while trying to build a successful business. Perhaps your business has collapsed, and you are wondering if you can ever rise again. Don’t give up! Good news is here! Toiling does not last forever. It always ends in praise for those who hold onto the prophetic word!

For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning. — Psalm 30:5 (NKJV)

>>>Nelson Semanu Boandoh-Korkor: Nelson is a respected author, publishing consultant and Christian business coach. He is passionate about financial evangelism and is also a forex trader, cryptocurrency investor and metaverse enthusiast. Elizabeth Boandoh-Korkor (CA): Elizabeth is a highly accomplished Chartered Accountant with nearly two decades of experience in financial management consulting. She has worked extensively in both the non-profit and banking sectors. You can reach out to them at +233549762233 or [email protected]