To my Father on his 65th birthday: A birthday message from Naa Dromo Korankye-Ankrah


Daddy, as I reflect on the past five years since your 60th birthday, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the man you are and the father you have been. Your life is a testament to God’s faithfulness, and your journey continues to inspire not just me but countless others.

The older I get, the more I realize how truly blessed I am to have you as my father. You have been my rock, my unwavering support system, and one of the few people I know I could always count on—especially when life took unexpected turns.

When I faced the most difficult moments of my life, you stood by me without hesitation. You covered me financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Even when I had to fight battles I never imagined, you took those battles on as your own, enduring public scrutiny and attacks simply because you chose to stand by me. You sacrificed so much, and there are no words that can ever fully express my gratitude.

My son carries your name, not just because I admire you, but because I want him to walk in the same footsteps of integrity, strength, and love that you have walked. It amazes me how much he already resembles you—not just in looks but in mannerisms. And if he grows up to be half the man you are, I know I would have done well as a mother.

Daddy, one of the greatest gifts you have given us as your children is the love for ministry. You never forced us to serve God, but by simply watching your life, we saw firsthand the rewards of serving Him faithfully. We saw how walking in obedience to God brought you to where you are today, and that alone was enough to make us desire to serve Him too.

Everything I do in church is not out of obligation but out of genuine love for God, knowing that there is a reward in heaven. You have taught us that ministry is not a duty; it is a privilege. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Beyond your achievements, your wisdom, and your leadership, what I admire most about you is your heart. You are the most forgiving person I know. Sometimes, it’s even frustrating to watch how easily you forgive those who have hurt you deeply.

But in those moments, I am reminded that you are truly a man after God’s own heart. You live the gospel, not just preach it. You embody the grace and mercy of Christ in ways that challenge me to be better.

Daddy, you are my hero. You have set a standard that sometimes feels impossible to reach, but I will keep striving, knowing that I have been blessed to learn from the best. As you celebrate 65 years of life, my prayer for you is that God will continue to strengthen and uphold you.

May He bless you with many more years of good health, wisdom, and joy. May He continue to enlarge your territory and cause your legacy to live on through generations. And may everything you set out to accomplish in this 65th year be established.

Happy 65th birthday, Daddy! I love you.

Still from your favorite child: Naa Dromo Korankye-Ankrah.