Celebrating Sam Korankye Ankrah: To my hero! Here’s to 65 wonderful years!


Every child goes through a phase in their lives where they view their fathers as heroes. In these years, the father can do no wrong. No matter how outlandish a story shared, it is taken as law because it’s coming from the father.

No matter how difficult a task may seem, you’ll find a child who believes with every fibre of their being that their father is capable. I’m personally enjoying these early years of father’s grace being a hero to my daughters. Long may it last!

While it is natural for children to outgrow this phase, three and a half decades later, I still believe more than ever, that my father is the greatest! Such is the impact you have had on my life and what a blessing it has been to be raised and trained by you. You have left such a significant imprint on our family and all those whose lives you have touched through your ministry.

Your walk with God, your display of wisdom in all aspects of life, your sincerity in dealing with people—all these have shaped who I am today. You epitomize what David expressed in 1 Chronicles 29:3: “Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver.”

That verse has become my personal mantra, and it is no wonder. You embodied it long before I ever understood it. Your affection for God’s house and your passion for His work became the foundation upon which I built my understanding of ministry.

I can say without hesitation, that I am where I am today because you paved the way. You not only called out the gift in me by inducting me as a Pastor and ordaining me a Reverend but also provided the platforms upon which I could grow and serve. You saw potential in me when I had not yet seen it in myself. For that, I will always honour you.

You modelled what it means to serve God with love, authenticity, and wisdom. I saw you in the pulpit, preaching with conviction and power, but I also saw you at home, leading with grace and humility. My sisters and I have witnessed your many sacrifices when no one was watching.

One lesson I am grateful for is teaching me that true leadership is not measured by titles but by service. That ministry is not about applause but about obedience. I have watched you counsel the broken, pray for the sick, and shepherd the flock with grace and patience. You’ve taught me that it is possible to be strong yet tender, bold yet humble, wise yet always learning and I strive to emulate daily.

Your grandchildren, SamZoey and SamJessie, are already walking in the light of your example. They see in you the same strength, wisdom, and love that I saw as a child. They are excited to be around you and are already striving to be like you.

What joy fills my heart when I hear “I want to be an Apostle like Grandpa!” Jacqueline and I join them in saying, “Thank you for showing us the way.”

On your 65th Birthday, I assure you that we cherish and are committed to preserving your legacy. I pray that God grants me the grace to meet and perhaps surpass the standard you have set.

Today, we celebrate you not just for the years you have lived, but for the lives you have shaped. We celebrate the seeds you have planted that continue to bear fruit. We celebrate the faith you have passed down to us, the values you have instilled, and the love you have demonstrated.

As Psalm 71:18 declares, “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.” Your declaration continues, and we, your children and grandchildren, are the evidence of God’s mighty acts in your life. May this 65th year be filled with even greater joy, health, and divine favour.

Happy Birthday, Daddy! We honour you today and always. You will forever be our hero.

Rev. Paapa Korankye-Ankrah

Social media: @RevPaapa

Website: www.revpaapa.com