Apostolic Birthday Blessings to the Apostle-General, Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah


Beloved Apostle-General,

On this special day, as you celebrate yet another milestone of God’s abundant grace upon your life, we, your pastors, leaders, and the entire church family across the United Kingdom and Europe, join hearts and voices in thanksgiving to God for your life, ministry, and the extraordinary impact you continue to make in the Body of Christ.

As the presiding Apostle of the UK and Europe, I am honoured to extend these heartfelt wishes on behalf of all the churches and the pastors who have been blessed by your unwavering leadership, mentorship, and fatherly love. Your life is a living testimony of the faithfulness of God, a reflection of divine purpose, and an inspiration to many across generations.

The Psalmist declares in Psalm 90:12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Indeed, your years have been marked by wisdom, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of the Kingdom mandate. From the humble beginnings of your calling to the global impact of Royalhouse Chapel International, you have remained a beacon of hope, an apostolic voice to the nations, and a shepherd whose love knows no bounds.

Your heart for missions and evangelism, your passion for souls, and your commitment to social transformation through initiatives such as Outreach for Comfort, Rescue to the Needy, Ministry to the Aged, Hospital and Prisons Outreaches, and the Scholarship Schemes have not only changed lives but have exemplified Christ’s love in action. Through your obedience to the call of God, many have been rescued from despair, empowered to rise, and given hope for a brighter future.

As a father and overseer, you have nurtured and raised many sons and daughters in ministry, guiding them with wisdom, correcting in love, and empowering them to fulfil their God-given destinies. Your support for pastors and churches, both in Ghana and beyond, has been a pillar of strength for many, and we, in the UK and Europe, count it a privilege to be under your covering.

On this day, February 23rd, as you mark another year of divine favour, we pray the Lord will continue to strengthen you, renew your youth like the eagles, and bless you with even greater wisdom and influence. May the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

May your latter years be filled with even greater glory and may your impact in the nations continue to expand beyond measure. We speak over you long life, divine health, fresh anointing, and supernatural strength to accomplish all that God has purposed for you. May you see the fruit of your labour and rejoice in the knowledge that generations will continue to be blessed because of your obedience to the call of God.

Happy and blessed birthday, Apostle-General! May the Lord grant you exceeding joy, peace, and fulfilment in the years ahead.

With deep honour and love,

Apostle Dalkeith R. Amanor

On behalf of the Pastors, Leaders, and Churches in the United Kingdom & Europe.