Poetry Corner: Love Was All They Knew 



Since the day their eyes set on each other

Those eyes rested on none other

Not on another sister

Not on another brother

Those eyes closed to all others

None for a pal

None for a neighbour

Only eyes to see one another


From that day on

The duo lived like a pair…feeling no pain

From that day on

They loved from a heart…knowing no hurt

From that day on

Two souls longed to be in arms…wishing to charm

Longed to embrace in arms…for a calming balm

From that day on


After many days

Two lovebirds strolled to hold hands to row ahead

After many days

Those two walked and talked to be heard

After many days

They trotted to plot their next turn

Ran to raise their hopes for a dream

After many days


After many more days

Two voices shouted a love to sound aloud

After many more days

Two loves sounded loud enough to sing a lasting love

After many more days

He and she longed to love together hereafter

Loved to long after each other forever

After many more days


That day arrived one day

When the family saw his fiancée

That same day

Shame and scandal hit the family

Shame when a father met a daughter abandoned to a mother

Abandoned and forgotten as a daughter

That same day

Scandal when a brother confessed to a romance with a sister

Scandal when a sister had conceived for a brother

That same day


Now they know

They know the reason they so resemble

Now they know

They know why they are so inseparable

The chemistry so incredible yet so credible

The push and pull so irresistible

Now they know

They know they entangled for trouble

Now humbled by the trouble from the gamble

Now they know


Now daddy knows

He knows his bottled up fling

Has troubled his double family for life

But daddy did not know

He did not know that the knot he tied around his neck

From the ceiling of his master bedroom

Brought double shame to trouble his double family ever after

He would not know…ever