Notice of list of dormant accounts held by Affinity Ghana Savings and Loans Limited


In accordance with the Banks and Specialized Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930), we have published a list of accounts held with Affinity Ghana Savings & Loans Limited that have been dormant for a minimum of five (5) years here and on our website,

We kindly advise affected customers or their legal representatives to visit any Affinity Customer Centre or call us at 030 825 5789 within two (2) weeks from the date of this publication. Failure to do so will result in transferring the affected accounts to the Bank of Ghana, as mandated by Act 930.

At Affinity, we are redefining banking for individuals and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Since our official launch in Ghana we have welcomed over 50,000 customers—65% of whom are accessing formal banking services for the first time, and over 60% are women driving growth in the informal sector.

We operate a fully branchless model powered by our mobile and web app, an extensive agent network. This allows us to deliver a full suite of banking services in a more efficient and accessible way. Unlike traditional banks, our model enables us to eliminate monthly fees and transaction charges, making us one of the most affordable players in the industry.

We have just closed our 8 million dollar seed round.

To experience banking convenience with Affinity, download our app here:

The underlisted customers or their legal representatives are hereby advised to visit any Affinity Customer Centre or call 030 825 5789 within two (2) weeks from this date of publication. The affected accounts, shall therefore be transferred to Bank of Ghana in accordance with Act 930.

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