Poetry Corner: As It Was In The Garden 



This morning Adam is cultivating the terrain

And taking care of Eden’s earth

Looking for Eve, his help mate

Eve had left the domain


Eve was out of sight

Gone for sightseeing

A fruit was hanging

Had been hanging

She was not seeing

She kept on walking

She was not seeing…that eye-catching fruit


Serpent was crawling, stalking

Thinking of something tempting

He kept creeping, thinking

He thought of tempting, deceiving

Waiting for an opening

Watching footsteps approaching


Eve was fast approaching

Looking but not seeing

Not talking, not complaining

She was sensing someone watching

Sensing but not seeing

Eve was suspecting


Serpent traced her footsteps

She was getting closer

Closer and closer

Step after step

Serpent stopped..so close to a tree

He lurked…so quiet under a tree

A forbidden tree


Eve passed slowly by a tree

A forbidden tree

She passed by a low hanging fruit

Hanging just above her head

Eve raised her eyes to see a fruit

And remembered what she had been told about a fruit

By Adam, her head

Eve walked right ahead


Serpent knew when to act

What to ask

He walked fast enough to catch up

He saw Eve’s eyes light up

Serpent knew what to do

What to do…to make Eve look up


“Is it true that…erhm?

Is it true that you’ve not eaten since?

How long do you want to keep starving?

Are you not seeing the fruit?

Is it true that you want to be like God?

To choose your own bad and good?


Eve was not thinking twice

She lifted her eyes

Just like that

She saw the fruit hanging

Just above her eyes

Ripe and nice

Pleasing to her eyes


Eve was not thinking twice

She said the fruit would taste sweet and nice

Eve stretched her hand at once

Hers, a forbidden fruity chance


Eve was eating

Serpent was smiling

Eve was chewing, swallowing, savouring

Serpent was teasing

Eve’s eyes were opening

Serpent was applauding


Eve had good news to share

She hurried to see Adam to share

She hugged Adam with loving care

Eve sighed, feminine-ly, seductively

“Oh Adam my dear

I come with good news to share”

Adam embraced Eve with good cheer


Adam did ask questions

Eve did not hear his questions

Adam repeated his questions

Eve did not answer his questions

Eve had eaten

So Adam ate

They ate their way into death

And it was early days yet