A jeopardized future


Working in Bogoso Prestea Mine was of one of the greatest aspirations of many people especially those within the immediate communities of the Mine.

It is no secret that the Mine since its establishment has attracted a lot of Ghanaians from all corners of the country, some of which have settled permanently in the Bogoso Prestea community.  This influx has helped in the creation of other businesses boosting the economic prowess of the community.

In fact, many retired employees tell series of stories of the various transitions the Mine has witnessed ever since its inception.  They said the underlying factor that triggered the change of ownership structure of the company from Canadian Bogoso Resources (CBR), Billington Gold Resources (BGR), Bogoso Gold Limited (BGL), State Gold Mine Co-operation SGMC), Prestea Gold Resources (PGR), Golden Star Bogoso/Prestea Limited GSBPL), Future Global Resources (FGR) to Blue Gold Limited (BGL) was financial capabilities.

As part of the current generation of employees, we are witnessing another phase of transition from FGR to Blue Gold but the leadership of Workers Union and the Martin Ayisi led-administration of the Minerals Commission are doing everything within their powers to kick Blue Gold out.

  1. A Chief Inspector’s report purporting a recommendation for the termination of FGR mining lease was shared with the leaders of FGR workers union who subsequently leaked the information to the entire workers.
  2. Prior to the termination of FGR mining lease on September 20, 2024, the leaders of the Workers Union leaked the information that the mining lease would be taken from FGR and handed to a Turkish firm in October 2024
  • The Regional Chairman of the Minerals Commission who is also the Chairman of the Interim Management Committee in his address to the workforce confirmed that the Mine would be given to a new investor before the end of October 2024
  1. The chairperson of the Minerals Commission, Hon. Barbara Oteng Gyasi in several radio interviews stated that FGR’s mining lease would be terminated. This was at a time that FGR was on the money market trying to secure funds to revamp the Mine.
  2. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources issued one of the weirdest clauses to FGR as part of its 120 days commitment requiring it to release part of its concession for community mining activities.
  3. The leaders of Workers union claim they had the backing of the Minerals Commission before sold several properties of FGR to fund their activities

Now the consequences of the unethical and appalling behavior of the Ayisi’s Minerals Commission are as follows

  1. The Union Leadership issued several death threats to a considerable number of workers who opposed their actions.
  2. 90% of essential employees who worked during Blue Gold’s tenure have been asked to stay home by the Union Executives while recalling their trusted staff to duty.
  3. The specialized company contracted to dewater the Underground unit as well as the contractor charged to reshape the Mine’s haul roads, have all been driven out by the IMC and some of the Union Executives. Now the Underground continues to flood while the roads deteriorate
  4. These staff especially those at both Prestea and Bondaye Underground units work with illegal miners to mine the ore deposits in these units.
  5. The death threats have put fear into a lot of workers to vent out their disappointment about the mismanagement of affairs.
  6. The Union Executives just after the declaration of their involvement in the Interim Management Committee (IMC) confronted some senior essential employees, seized their FGR branded vehicles and drove them out of their offices.

Fighting against the odds, Blue Gold was able to enter into an agreement with Gerald Metal Group to secure the needed financial support to revamp the Mine.  213 employees were called to start operation while the others were scheduled to be called in batches.

The company also initiated plans to offload overdue salaries and any other workers compensation.  Critical equipment needed to restart the Mine were also on their way to site.

It seems that Hon. Barbara Oteng-Gyasi who is seeking to win the parliamentary seat in the Prestea Huni-Valley Constituency believes that using her chairperson’s position at the Minerals Commission to kick out FGR would please the workers and consequently secure her parliamentary seat.

Martin Ayisi is in no doubt trying to cash in from granting the mining lease to the Turkish firm while the Union Executives have also been assured of managerial and senior positions by the Turkish firm.

It is really surprising that the government could not appoint an independent investigator to delve into the issues and fish out the cronies.

Now the future of the silenced employees hangs in the balance.

Anonymous Employee

Bogoso Mine